21 November 2012

The Big Brother Who Loves You

"I will take care of you."
The only reason I saw for voting for Mitt Romney was that he said he would, if elected, veto ObamaCare. I didn't because I realized he was probably lying. He just knew that many people were opposed to it because it really is a new tax enforced by the IRS.
If that was all it is that would be really bad, but the truth of it is worse than anything you can imagine. 
Add ObamaCare to GMO Food, add that to Vaccines, added to Mind Control by electronic media and you have before your eyes The Brave New World! Or Orwell's '1984' where Big Brother rules an enslaved planet.  A 'soft' enslavement to be sure. One in which enslavement consists of being 'cared for', controlled feeding and education by Big Brother.
Once a far off nightmarish dream, we are waking up to find that this is the new waking reality facing us. Is it too late to dial it back? Is there any escape for those who cherish their individual freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

by Jon Rappoport
November 20, 2012

At this late date, there are still people who don't see the consequences of Obamacare. They cling to the notion that it's simply a wonderful system that will allow more people to get vital medical care. That's all they see or want to see.

They agree that medical treatment has an alarming toxic track record. But they don't want to admit that Obamacare will spread that toxicity even further.

Why are these people blind? Because they think of themselves as caring humanitarians, and they fit Obamacare right into that self-serving picture. It's part of their "religion."

Also, they don't want to "be negative."

Some day, I'm sure, being negative will get you a public decapitation in the town square.

Okay. Here we go.

The recent study which revealed that rats fed with GMOs developed cancer is just one example of the health hazards of GMO food.

The argument advanced by the Monsanto forces and their allies is: "people who eat GMO food aren't dropping like flies, so we're all okay."

This is a case made by con artists for idiots.

GMO crops were originally introduced with no human safety studies. The crops were given carte blanche because the whole approval process was rigged.

People could be developing cancers as a result of eating GMO food and no one would know. People could be developing serious digestive disorders and neurological problems and no one would know.

To pursue this in detail, read Jeffrey Smith's classic, Genetic Roulette: The Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. Smith lays out 65 GMO health risks, with references. He also shows how safety assessments of GMO foods fall horribly short.

The GMO overlords need a cover-story-diversion for the harm their foods inflict. That cover story will, increasingly, be fashioned and sculpted by Obamacare.

Obamacare will eventually morph into a blueprint of all diagnosable diseases and disorders, and permitted treatments.

That's what health insurance does. It assembles a comprehensive chart of what is covered by policies.

This will allow a perfect cover for the protection of "favored toxins." In other words, when disease strikes as a result of GMOs, pesticides, other environmental chemicals, chemtrails, and so on, the medical diagnosis will fail to name the true culprits.

It's called concealment.

Under Obamacare, who will put together that all-embracing list of permitted disease-diagnoses and treatments? The US Dept. of Health and Human Services. DHHS is a cabinet post under the president.

Therefore, the federal government (in collusion with pharmaceutical companies) will control, in great detail, the practice of medicine, and if that makes you feel warm and fuzzy, I have condos for sale on Pluto. You think the CDC and FDA are overbearing now? You haven't seen anything yet.

Here's a case of how this con game would function:

Let's say a young boy suddenly develops rapid mood swings. He's up, he's down, he's all over the place. He throws tantrums, then he sits in his room and won't talk to anyone.

Unknown to him or his parents, the cause of all this bizarre behavior was GMO corn. The inserted genes in the corn provoked a massive inflammatory response, in which his immune system attacked the myelin insulation surrounding his nerves.

But the medical diagnosis, according to the Obamacare chart of allowable interpretations: Bipolar disease.

Now come the Bipolar drugs. Lithium, Valproate, with their highly destructive adverse effects---and the sanctity of GMO crops is protected.

And to take this a step further, the company that produces and sells GMO corn seeds knows all this. It knows that many people who are being diagnosed with Bipolar are actually suffering from an autoimmune reaction to the genes inserted in the corn.

They have the perfect medical mechanism for covering up their secret.

In fact, this company is not just a GMO producer. It, like other giants, is also a chemical and pharmaceutical outfit. It makes a drug used to treat...Bipolar.

The circle is complete. The secret is protected, the money rolls in through several allied channels, and only the patient suffers.

Obamacare, in one of its several heinous aspects, is a stealth operation used to conceal crimes.

If you think this is science fiction, think again. It's already happening. Researchers are madly probing for genes that cause cancer, and their PR people, based on no solid evidence, are trumpeting the "advances."

Meanwhile, large numbers of people are developing cancer from exposure to pesticides. But the genetic diversion takes the public's mind away from this fact into a more esoteric area.

As of 2012, people still have the right to enter a detox program aimed at ridding the body of stored pesticide chemicals. But up the line, the day will come when the Obamacare Program will rule that out as a permitted option for all people under the umbrella of the national health insurance plan. Meaning, everybody.

This is precisely what the drug companies want, which is why they participated in crafting Obamacare in the first place.

They want to lock down the population in a pharmaceutical arena and treat them from cradle to grave with their chemical agents.

No, you don't see the lockdown now, as Obamacare enters the mainstream, but neither did you see drones flying overhead and giant computers recording every email, phone call, and product purchase you make, back in the day when the FBI was occasionally wire-tapping a suspect after obtaining a warrant.

These thing take time, but they happen.

Back when Lyndon Jonson announced an idea called The Great Society, you didn't see the time when the US government would be spending a trillion dollars a year on means-tested welfare, or that at least half the country would want that sum to go higher without limit.

These things take time, but they happen.

In 1985, as the first word leaked out that corporations were experimenting with genes shot into food crops, you didn't assume that, 25 years later, the world would be covered with GMO plants and that those genes would be floating and drifting into organic life from Pole to Pole.

These things take time, but they happen.

In the early 1950s, when Ritalin first arrived on the scene, you didn't see that this highly toxic form of speed would be prescribed by doctors to more than five million children for a condition called ADHD, for which there is no diagnostic test.

These things take time, but they happen.

In the late 1940s, when young children received one vaccine, for smallpox, you didn't see that the day would come when the CDC would recommend an incredible 55 doses of vaccines by age six, or that no studies would be done to assess the combined toxic effects of this vaccine load, or that the government would be trying to close down exemptions from vaccines.

These things take time, but they happen.

In the 1950s, as psychiatry was beginning to use a drug called Thorazine to treat "psychotic" patients, you didn't see that the day would come when a bible of psychiatry, called the DSM, would list 297 distinct and separate "mental disorders," none of which were diagnosed with any physical test. You didn't see that the federal government would back, in every way possible, the pseudo-science of psychiatry, or that leading politicians and celebrities would endorse mental-disorder diagnosis and treatment with across-the-board toxic drugs. You didn't see that some of these drugs would push people over the edge into committing murders.

These things take time, but they happen.

So it will be with Obamacare, as we move ahead. It will be used to lock down the population in a toxic pharmaceutical universe, and to gradually shave away competing forms of alternative healthcare.

This is the road we're on. If, a few years ago, you didn't think the freedom to pursue and manage your own health, according to your own desires, was important, you'd better believe it's important now and in the future.

If you insist on clinging to the notion that Obamacare is a wonderful, wonderful thing, almost a religious sacrament, you don't understand how history works, how things morph into other things, how agendas control that evolution, how what looked good at one moment turned into a nightmare, later on.

And as GMOs spread and cause disease, Obamacare will function as a steel barrier against doctors diagnosing patients with GMO-caused illnesses.

"You know, when the patient came to me, I was sure he was suffering from a form of autism. But now that I look more closely, I realize it's the insect genes in the grain he's eating."

"Doctor, stop this nonsense. Consult your Obamacare Bible. Nowhere in it does it say there is a disease caused by GMOs. You can't make that diagnosis. It won't fly. You won't get paid if you submit that insurance form. And you'll get into trouble. Federal agents will visit your office. They'll put you through the mill. They'll threaten to cancel your ticket to practice medicine."

"That's ridiculous. That would never happen."

"Oh no? Do you realize that, by statute, I'm required to turn you in? That's right. I heard you say you wanted to make a diagnosis that wasn't permitted by the Bible. I'm supposed to call Homeland Security. If I don't, I'm guilty, too. I'm a co-conspirator."

Give it time. Give it time.

Or if you don't care, shut your eyes, and contemplate loving Obamacare, just as Winston Smith finally loved the State in Orwell's 1984.

See: Dr. Barbara Starfield, "Is US health really the best in the world?" Journal of the American Association, July 26, 2000. Starfield revealed that, every year, the US medical system kills 225,000 people. Of those deaths, 106,000 are the result of FDA-approved drugs. Under Obamacare, these numbers will escalate.

Jon Rappoport
The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails atwww.nomorefakenews.com

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