19 December 2011

Processed Food Contains Mercury

Processed foods may be GMO and less than nutritious, and full of artificial colors and preservatives, but what's even worse, is they contain mercury, a toxic metal that destroys brain cells, especially in the young and the old. The high fructose corn syrup, which is toxic to the liver in its own right, is made even more dangerous to health by the presence of high levels of mercury as well. Basically, any food that comes with a manufactures label should be off limits if you care about your health.

Highly Toxic Mercury Present in Processed Foods, Yet FDA Does Nothing

Anthony Gucciardi
December 17, 2011
labtestexperiment3 210x131 Highly Toxic Mercury Present in Processed Foods, Yet FDA Does NothingWhy has the FDA ignored the fact that mercury, an element that is highly toxic in all forms, was found in a large numberof brand-name processed foods? Specifically, the mercury content was found to be contained in high-fructose corn syrup, which also reportedly contains genetically modifiedingredients. Instead of addressing this major public health concern, the FDA is focusing their time on crushing beneficial supplements through ridiculous NDI regulations that threaten the entire infrastructure of the nutraceuticals industry.
Researchers from two U.S. studies reported that about half of tested samples of high-fructose corn syrup contained mercury. Mercury was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products which listed high-fructose corn syrup as the first-or-second-highest labeled ingredient.
Following the report, organizations like the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy called on the FDA for immediate action:
“Mercury is toxic in all its forms. Given how much high-fructose corn syrup is consumed by children, it could be a significant additional source of mercury never before considered. We are calling for immediate changes by industry and the [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] to help stop this avoidable mercury contamination of the food supply,” the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy’s Dr. David Wallinga, a co-author of both studies, said in a prepared statement.

Americans Consumed Over 37 Pounds of Mercury-Laden HFCS in 2008

Mercury is toxic in any dosage, but the information becomes even more alarming when you consider the fact that the average American consumed 37.8 pounds of high-fructose corn syrup in 2008! If this is not explosive enough on its own, remember the fact that this is but one source of mercury exposure. CFL light bulbs, mercury-contaminated seafood, and some dental fillings are a few sources of mercury exposure that affect millions of individuals.
The ubiquitous nature of high-fructose corn syrup in processed food products makes it difficult to avoid if you are on a junk food diet that is devoid of essential nutrients. Unfortunately, a large number of people worldwide subscribe to this nutritional program while in the dark regarding the true effects that such a diet can have on the human body. Until the FDA decides to step in (which simply will not happen unless activists make enough noise), protecting yourself and your family against HFCS is your priority. If you eat 100% organic food items, or grow your own organic food, you will not have to worry about toxic high-fructose corn syrup.
It’s time to tell the FDA to focus on the real issues, like toxic elements in our food supply — not health-promoting supplements that have improved lives and boosted immune systems.
Explore More:
  1. Flashback: Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury
  2. Growing Evidence Finds Processed Foods and Sugary Drinks as ‘Addictive as Cocaine’
  3. BPA Highly Present in Canned Foods Marketed to Children
  4. How Natural Sweeteners Can Eliminate Soaring Cancer and Obesity Rates Today
  5. Many “All Natural” Foods are Actually Heavily Processed
  6. Major Find: Processed Food Lowers IQ in Children, Nutritious Food Raises It

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