18 October 2011

Natural Solutions to BPA, the Plastic Toxin

Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most toxic chemicals on the planet and is found in plastics- like the plastic bottle your health drink comes in. BPA causes cancer among other things in extremely small doses and is as common as plastic. That means all of us have been exposed and nearly all of us have significant enough levels to be concerned about. Here's an article that may offer some useful suggestions for handling this problem.
Monday, October 17, 2011

The BPA Solution -- How to Naturally Reverse the Effects

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

Bisphenol A (BPA) has made mainstream headlines as an estrogen-mimicking health destroyer. With 130 studies tying it to breast cancer, BPA has become anespecially popular topic this October — National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Of course the negative effects of BPA do not end with cancer, with studies tying  BPA to obesity, hormonal imbalance, and a massive reduction in male fertility rates. What makes BPA especially concerning to public health is the fact that it affects virtually everyone, is present in 95% of paper money and is in 18 out of 20 of the most popularcanned foods. While there can be steps taken to avoid exposure, BPA is most likely present in your bloodstream way beyond ‘safe’ limits. All of these facts have been well-documented, but what is not often discussed is the fact that solutions exist to reverse BPA damage using 100% natural substances. 

Reversing the effects of BPA 

While BPA damages the body in such a way that can disrupt proper biological function, natural substances have actually been found to reverse this damage on a number of levels. With recent major studies finding that probiotic supplementation can degrade the presence of BPA, a whole new door is open into solving the BPA crisis, not just simply highlighting BPA dangers. For starters, here is a list of 3 common natural substances (out of 13 total) that studies have shown are effective in combating the effects of BPA, or even the presence of BPA in one way or another:

  • Black Tea
  • Probiotics
  • Melatonin
Each of these have at least one study demonstrating its combative effects on BPA toxicity, presence, and damage. What’s even better is the fact that at least one of these items is most likely already a part of your daily routine. It is also important to remember these are only 3 of the 13 substances that have been shown to effectively combat the effects of BPA. One such example is a study involving a probiotic bacteria present in kimchi, fermented Korean dish made of vegetables with varied seasonings. The study, out of the Japanese Department of Environmental Technology,found that the probiotic bacteria – Bacillus pumilus, is capable of degrading BPA.

In a similar vein, royal jelly has been found to halt the estrogenic effects of BPA, the primary cause of its hormonal damage. This is great news for women concerned with increased breast cancer risk over BPA exposure, as increased estrogen is the primary factor in upping the risk. The use of royal in women with exposure to BPA (the vast majority) will drastically decrease breast cancer risk as a result of BPA exposure and subsequent estrogen increase.

The list goes up to 13 substances that are effective at combating BPA on multiple levels, from the initial biological response to diminishing its presence in your system. The complete 13 substances and nutrients are:
  • Bifidobacterium 3
  • Bifidobacterium Breve
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Probiotics
  • Melatonin
  • Bacillus pumilus
  • Black Tea
  • Fermented Foods and Beverages
  • Kimchi
  • Quercetin
  • Royal Jelly
  • Folic Acid
  • Genistein 
Counteract BPA dangers naturally

Utilizing these 13 key substances in fighting BPA exposure is essential to achieving optimum health and ridding this extremely toxic chemical from your body. It is also a good idea to practice BPA avoidance, as it is possible to distance yourself from major sources of exposure and thus the effects of BPA using simple techniques. Instead of using plastic water bottles, filter your water into glass or stainless steel containers. Avoid usage of plastic containers and cooking ware,choose ceramic kitchen tools for longer life and 100% reduced exposure.

If you are working in a position that requires constant handling of currency, plastic items, or even ink-based items, wear gloves. BPA enters the bloodstream through the skin, if it is not incontact, then you will not absorb it. Following these tips and utilizing the 13 key BPA solution substances in your daily life will result in better overall biological function and mental clarity.

Please visit Natural Society for more great health news and vaccine information. 

1 comment:

  1. Skin is outer covering of our body and taking its care is one of the most important part and natural products are the most important way to keep it safe and healthy.
