06 April 2011

More Yummy Pesticides Please!

The latest in 'New Think'- Pesticides are good for you and everybody else and everything else! Wouldn't you know it- You've had it wrong all along when you thought toxic chemicals were bad for you. You couldn't have been more wrong. Now when are you going to apologize for bad-mouthing duPont and Monsanto? You better, or they'll take their chemicals and go home!

Big Ag forms alliance to float propaganda:Pesticides are good for you!

Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved
“Wasn’t the reason we had to let the bio-pirates patent seeds, mutate nature, and contaminate the land and water and the resulting food supply was because they claimed they were the answer to global hunger?  They were going to end global hunger, weren’t they?  They wouldn’t have lied would they? This couldn’t have just been about food control and profits, could it? Surely not. ”
Who knew pesticides were actually good for us?  Here we thought they were toxic concoctions that adversely affected humans, plants and animals, but it turns out we were all wrong.  Never mind, that these hazardous chemicals contaminate land and water and pose a significant risk to the environment overall.  And, never mind that we have no idea what the inert and hazardous ingredients are contained in them that could cause cancer, blindness, paralysis, seizures and other maladies, as it turns out it isn’t about health and safety. Its all about convenience, affordability ($$$).  Its about our lifestyles! 
While we all erroneously believed that spraying carcinogens, heavy metals, microbial mutations, and god knows what else on anything and everything in sight might not be a good idea, it turns outs all this crap is really good for birds, animals, plants and the environment.  One could conclude that the residual chemicals left in the end products and consumed by human beings must also be beneficial.     
Like many of you, I was opposed to the use of toxic chemicals being applied in ever increasing amounts to food crops.  But then I read this article:

From AGROW Awards: Benefits of pesticides

“The use of pesticides brings numerous benefits and makes a significant contribution to the lifestyles we have come to expect. These benefits are not confined to the users of pesticides, but reach the great majority of people across the world. The general public often take for granted or oppose the use of pesticides, but they make possible the year-round availability of high-quality, affordable food. Similarly, the environment and wild plants, birds and animals benefit from the carefully regulated application of chemical pesticides.”
Carefully regulated?  When did that happen?  Application is now determined by the level of resistance building up in the crops and pests these applications are used on.  There is no careful regulation.  In fact, no regulation at all; just increased application or strength of application.  And it is safe…..the FDA says so.  And you know you can trust the FDA!
I cannot even believe this statement “Similarly, the environment and wild plants, birds and animals benefit from the carefully regulated application of chemical pesticides.” was even made.  And as the article says, use of pesticides is not limited to users of pesticides.  Yuuummm!
Chemical pesticides have contributed to the killing off the bees, small game, birds, and wherever high concentrations appear in our water, kills fish and other aquatic animals along with natural aquatic vegetation.  Our environment overall has suffered enormous damage that is most likely permanent, as a result of chemical toxic pesticides.  I’d like just one of these manufacturers to show just one provable example of any kind of benefit to plants, birds and animals from the use of their highly toxic and poisonous products. 
“Whilst the producers of our food have benefited, so we as consumers have reaped the rewards. Our markets and stores are full of food that is safer, more nutritious and affordable than ever. Fruit and vegetables that were once “seasonal” are now in year-round abundance. In developing countries, pesticides help combat the spectre of starvation and malnutrition that kills millions every year. While it is unfortunately true that about 800 million people are still under-nourished, this number has stayed essentially constant during a period when the world’s population doubled. The nutritional value of diets of low-income families has increased through being able to afford the recommended servings of fresh fruit and vegetables.”
Please note the differentiation between they, the “producers” and the now inclusive “we as consumers” and, “our markets”.  Almost sounds like the author is one of “us”. Almost.
Yes it is unfortunate that 800 million people are still under nourished (intentionally being starved?) but we are apparently to be comforted by the thought that this is ok because the population of the world has doubled.  But wait! I thought patenting seeds and planting all this gmo garbage and spraying it with toxic chemicals was the key to the worlds food problems?  What happened?  Wasn’t the reason we had to let the bio-pirates patent seeds, mutate nature, and contaminate the land and water and the resulting food supply was because they claimed they were the answer to global hunger?  They were going to end global hunger, weren’t they?  They wouldn’t have lied would they? This couldn’t have just been about food control and profits, could it? Surely not. 
Enter the Alliance to Feed the Future The Alliance to Feed the Future website is home to an assortment of resources and information regarding modern food production from farm to fork.  The Alliance to Feed the Future is launching on National Ag Day, which is celebrated on March 15, 2011 and falls during National Ag Week, March 13-19, 2011.
This link http://www.alliancetofeedthefuture.org/farm-to-fork-resources.aspx  will take you to the list of alliance members, which is nearly identical to the list of supporters of the fake food safety bill rammed through the senate by “”Dirty Harry” Reid. 
Far from being a consumer resource, this alliance is dedicated to countering the negative information that has surfaced about their methods and products and the resulting long term damage which will be realized in coming generations. As more scientifically sound studies are surfacing that warn of the permanent damage from genetic alteration of food and crops, and also the threat to human life from damage to internal organs and the onset of disease as a result of consuming these Frankenfoods, the lack of extensive studies by the creators of these abominations becomes glaringly apparent.  In fact, little evidence exists to suggest that any impact studies of any kind were ever performed, nor were any studies done to discern control of these invasive, aggressive and unnatural life forms. 
No one, not even SCOTUS has dared to broach the subject of how patents were issued based on the claims of the bio-pirates that their creations were so uniquely different that a patent should be obtainable as these creations were newly created life forms.  Then, at the same time claiming under the substantial equivalence doctrine that there was no discernible difference between gmo and natural life forms which allowed them to dump this junk into our food supply without labeling. (Thank the FDA and USDA for this one!)
The Alliance is also in the process of developing a national standard for sustainable agriculture under the rules of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).  
Translation: The implementation of “best practices” is directly from Codex Alimentarius, the WTO and various harmonization agreements.  It will in its simplest form be the reduction in production standards to facilitate increased corporate profits at the expense of economies, environments and the general populations.
Sustainable, is the buzzword for Agenda 21 protocols, all of which remove our rights as a sovereign nation and replace our laws and standards with global corporate friendly standards that have little to do with sustaining anything other than corporate profits.   These protocols, all prefaced with the words “best practices” and “science –based”, have nothing to do with anything remotely resembling what might be the best and most productive methods for anything, and science-based is simply thrown in to make things sound legit.  There is little other than junk science to back up any of the claims made and we surely have not had a reduction in the number of people around the world suffering from mal-nutrition and starvation.  But hey! Corporate profits are way up! 
And remember!  Pesticides are good for you! Just because the bees are dying off along with small game and some not so small game, and just because you have some kind of untreatable rash covering your body that no one can find a cure for, never forget the issue is not your health or the environment…  Its all about convenience and affordability!    
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