11 December 2010

Eating the Rainbow!

Corporate control of the food chain has meant the loss of food diversity. Some corporate bigwig decides what variety of carrot or mushroom or apple is the best one and that is all lthe consumer will ever see. We don't even remember when vegetables and fruits came in many differenct formas and colors. Yellow watermaelon and caulifoloweer are almost unknown today, but were onece quite common.

NaturalNews) Carrots provide a lot more nutritional and medicinal value than we realise. The purple carrot is a lot less widely known than its orange relation, yet it offers just as many, if not more, benefits than the orange variety.

Purple carrots are even higher in antioxidants than orange carrots, and they also possess anti-inflammatory properties. This could make them very useful in the treatment of arthritis. They have been found to be antiviral, antiseptic and antimicrobial, and they also contain anticarcinogens and betacarotenes. They also contain phytochemicals including carotenoids, polyacetylenes, isocoumarins, phenolics and sesquiterpenes. Phytochemicals have antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and other disease preventative and health enhancing properties.

Anticarcinogens help to reduce the risk of cancer and also help to fight against any already-present cancer cells in our bodies. Purple carrots are also excellent at fighting against viral as well as bacterial infections, such as flu, measles and internal infections of the urinary tract, mouth and stomach. Prevent cancer and start drinking your purple carrot juice as often as possible.

Purple carrots contain high doses of Vitamin A, which helps to prevent clogging of the arteries and thus helps to prevent strokes. Along with that, they also contain vitamin B, C and E as well as calcium pectate, which is a very good source of fibre, and they help to lower cholesterol levels. They are also very useful in the prevention of macular degeneration.

They are known to nourish the hair, skin and nails, and they also greatly enhance the quality of breast milk. They also contain a form of calcium which is more easily digested by our bodies than many other sources. The roots of carrots have long been used in treating intestinal parasites, indigestion, tonsil issues and constipation. In ancient times, they were used as a medicine to treat virtually anything. Even the carrot greens contain vitamin K, which is not present in the rest of the carrot.

In studies done at Queensland University, it was shown that purple carrot juice is able to lower blood pressure, stabilise blood sugar, and assist in fighting against liver and heart disease.






Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030653_purple_carrots_antioxidants.html#ixzz17cvkQrBr

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