20 December 2010

20 Incredibly Educational Alternative Medicine Blogs

Are you interested in 'alternative medicine'? If you are like MOST people you are, simply because you are interested in life and health - and not stupid dogmatic nonsense that passes itself off as health care. A health care "system" that doesn't work inevitably leads people to search for alternatives. That's you and here are some great places to find out what you need to know to achieve your healthy life goals. Enjoy the journey!

20 Incredibly Educational Alternative Medicine Blogs

"Alternative medicine" is a broad term that encompasses healing methods that aren’t considered "normal." Although they may not have been proven to work as efficiently as treatments using conventional medicine, there are numerous people who swear by their effectiveness, giving hope to others who wish to find new potential solutions for their health problems. If you’re interested in alternative medicine and want to discover more information about its different treatments, peruse the 20 incredibly educational blogs listed below.
General Alternative Medicine
Blogs dedicated to all-things alternative medicine, holistic health and even acupuncture.
  1. Alternative Medicine Zone: Everything is covered on the Alternative Medicine Blog. It’s a great place to find general advice and information pertaining to alternative medicine, herbal medicine, natural remedies, or whatever works for you.
  2. Alternative Medicine Blog: Cathy Wong, author of the Alternative Medicine Blog, is a licensed naturopathic doctor and an American College of Nutrition-certified nutrition specialist who has a decade of experience with alternative medicine. Her opinions on the subject have appeared in numerous health magazines, such as First For Women and Men’s Health.
  3. Natural Holistic Health: Natural Holistic Health is where you can "learn how to keep you and your family healthy safely and holistically." It’s a particularly good source of information about ADHD, as the blog devotes an entire section to the disorder’s natural treatments.
  4. World Acupuncture: Alan focuses on "practical skills, clinically relevant theory and treatment outcomes using clinically potent Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion."
Traditional Chinese Medicine
The Chinese have been renowned for their traditional medicine practices, which are only considered "alternative" in the West.
  1. Chinese Medicine News: Studies and research on traditional Chinese medicine are reported on Chinese Medicine News. Recently, the blog has expanded to include news of studies relating to dietary and other breakthroughs.
  2. Deepest Health: Deepest Health explores the topic of Chinese Medicine. Practitioners, students and novices who visit the blog will find directories that’ll enable them to find information tailored to their needs.
  3. Acupuncture & TCM Blog: The Acupuncture & TCM Blog covers a wide range of topics relating to acupuncture and traditional Chinese Medicine, including the benefits of Eucommia Bark and acupuncture when it comes to back pain.
  4. Traditional Chinese Medicine Resource Center: The TCM Resource Center features news, TCM theory and other beneficial content. For example, posts cover everything from acupuncture’s effect on depression to the ancient Chinese practice of cupping.
Herbal Medicine
Herbs can possess amazing medicinal properties that complement conventional medicine.
  1. Cathy’s Natural Remedies: Cathy, a retired Canadian school teacher living in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, shares her immense knowledge of natural remedies.
  2. A Journey Into Herbal & Natural Healing: Herbalist Tania Tyler comes from a family of healers, so she has dedicated much of her life to studying herbal and natural healing. She has taught several workshops on the topic and her recipes and writings have been published.
  3. The Herbal Advisor: Numerous healing herbs are covered by The Herbal Advisor, including Garlic, Oil of Oregano and Burdock. Remedies for everything from an upset stomach to ADHD are explored.
  4. Ayurvedic Talk: The Indian system of medicine, Ayurveda, consists of herbal remedies and additional treatments such as yoga and massage. Ayurvedic Talk discusses these topics in order to encourage a healthy life.
Homeopathic treatments use substances that cause symptoms in small doses to cure the same symptoms.
  1. Homeopathy Works: Joette Calabrese is an expert when it comes to homeopathy, having practiced it for 13 years and studied it for 24 years. Her advocacy for the practice comes from the results she has seen.
  2. Homeopathy Resource: Homeopathy Resource’s mission is to provide "accurate information on homeopathy, homeopaths and homeopathic organizations." Readers can gain insight into the effectiveness of treatments by browsing through the studies posted on the blog.
  3. Hmedicine Homeopathic Medicine Blog: Find homeopathic remedies for illnesses such as the cold and flu, or discover which conditions can’t be treated with them, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Homeopathy medicine and weight loss is a popular topic on Hmedicine.
  4. Homeopathy – Safe Medicine: Another homeopathy blog chock-full of information. A recent post highlights the finding that the remedy Sabal Serrulata has a positive impact on cancer cells.
  5. Homeopathy Blog: The Homeopathy Blog has been posting excerpts from 50 Reasons For Being a Homeopath, a book consisting of 50 letters authored by homeopathic doctor J. Compton Burnett during the late 19th century.
Naturopathy relies on natural remedies and the body’s ability to heal.
  1. Naturopathic View of Human Life: Sushma Shan, a licensed and registered doctor of naturopathy, blogs about the topic and the ways it can be beneficial to your health. She addresses treatments for arthritis, vitiligo and even acne.
  2. Naturopathy Brisbane: Lisa Freebury’s belief in the power of herbal and alternative medicine inspired her to become a naturopath. She’s constantly learning, currently completing her Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine to add to her Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy.
  3. Discovering Naturopathy….a Student’s Perspective: A student of naturopathic medicine documents his thoughts and insights, while sharing resources for students and patients. Readers can even learn about the history of naturopathy.
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