28 September 2010

Breast Milk Works, Vaccines Don't

Research confirms what you already know: Baby's best food and immune protection comes from the breast of its mother, especially if the mother is well nourished with the right kind of diet. Of course research has also shown that vaccines are dangerous and don't work, so avoid all of them.

Babies breastfed for six months have fewer infections: research

Giving babies nothing but breastmilk for the first six months reduces the number and severity of infections they suffer, research has confirmed.

Babies fed nothing but breastmilk for six months have fewer and less severe infections, researchers have shown.
Babies fed nothing but breastmilk for six months have fewer and less severe infections, researchers have shown. Photo: CORBIS
Resaerch on 1,000 babies found those exclusively breastfed for six months had significantly fewer common infections than their peers who were either partially breastfed or not breastfed at all.
They had fewer respiratory infections, ear infections, and thrush, even after adjusting for other factors that could influence infection rates.
Partial breastfeeding did not exert the same protective effects, the study, published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood found.
Women in Britain are recommended to breastfeed exclusively for six months to give their baby the best start in life but only a minority do.

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