14 July 2010

Obama's National AIDS Strategy Launched

What!? A national strategy to combat HIV/AIDS? Amazing if it is true. Don't count on anything spectacular though. There is just too much at stake to really go to the heart of the HIV/AIDS problem. Since it was the US Congress that appropriated $10 million in 1969 to complete the development of an artificial virus at Fort Dettrick by the US Army. Hidden for years under Nixon's War Against Cancer - HIV actually causes cancer- HIV was eventually deployed world-wide in an experimental hepatitis B vaccine as a part of the newly adopted policy of deliberate genocide as revealed by Henry Kissinger and George Bush in National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200). Read all about it in Dr Leonard Horowitz's ground breaking book, Emerging Viruses. Now President Obama, who may or may not be aware of the above, wants to get serious about stemming he HIV/ AIDS pandemic? Lot's of luck and we hope he succeeds... Just don't count on it.
The Obama administration to unveil America's first HIV/AIDS strategy

It includes no new funding, but redirects dollars toward the most at-risk and affected groups.
Washington - The Obama administration will unveil the first national HIV/AIDS strategy Tuesday. The goal is to reduce the number of new infections and boost access to care for those already infected, an administration report says.
South Africa AIDS orphans overwhelm social work servicesBush OKs $48 billion for AIDS as famine loomsHealth care reform bill 101: what the bill means to youPerhaps most noteworthy, in these tough budgetary times, is that the plan does not propose a major increase in federal funding. The United States already spends $19 billion annually on domestic HIV/AIDS programs, and President Obama’s plan seeks to redirect dollars toward the most at-risk and affected groups – gay and bisexual men and African-Americans.
“The National HIV/AIDS Strategy is committed to making the United States a place where new HIV infections are rare, and when they do occur, every person, regardless of age, gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socio-economic circumstance, will have unfettered access to high-quality, life-extending care, free from stigma and discrimination,” the White House stated Monday.
Mr. Obama will discuss the strategy late Tuesday afternoon at a reception honoring the work of the HIV/AIDS community. Earlier in the day, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and several other senior administration officials will unveil the goals and details of the plan.
Among the goals, the administration is calling for a 25 percent reduction in the annual number of new HIV infections by 2015. One way to do that is to boost the percentage of HIV-positive people who know their diagnosis, so they can receive treatment and takes steps not to infect other people, according to an administration report circulating in advance of Tuesday’s events.
Currently, 79 percent of infected people are aware of their status; the administration’s goal is to reach 90 percent. More than 1.1 million Americans were estimated to be living with HIV in 2006, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The administration also seeks to boost the proportion of patients linked to clinical care within three months of HIV diagnosis from 65 percent to 85 percent by 2015.
And it seeks to revive public interest in AIDS as an issue. Because AIDS has become increasingly treatable, the sense of urgency has waned, the report says. This need for greater public attention is particularly true for the communities hit hardest, activists say.
“HIV/AIDS as an epidemic has fallen off the radar screen,” Andy Izquierdo of the National Minority AIDS Council told the Kaiser Health News Service. “A lot of people don’t see it as an issue anymore, even though it’s hitting some communities of color worse than ever.”
Overall, the administration is aiming for greater national coordination of the various local, state, and federal efforts to educate the public about HIV/AIDS, help patients find treatment, and direct resources to those hardest-hit communities.
AIDS activists have long urged a national, comprehensive approach to addressing the pandemic, noting that the US government requires other countries to present such a plan to receive US aid. In 2003, President George W. Bush launched PEPFAR, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, with a five-year, $15 billion commitment to fight the disease globally.
On July 8, Secretary Sebelius announced a reallocation of $25 million in HHS funds to states for patients on waiting lists to receive HIV/AIDS drugs. Advocates said the money is not enough, given the high unemployment rate and loss of health insurance, in addition to cuts in state budgets.
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1 comment:

  1. You say 25% reducetion by 2015 does that mean the other 75% is okay I think that if you going to stop Hiv/Aid you have,to have a acute mind set ,to think as Oais does about accident.Zero tolerance. not to accept the ideal that 1 out of 25 accident results in a dead in a company is the goal this year.So you saying it okay if that person is my love one?
