14 June 2010

The Wrath of Con

I have often said to my patients that the whole campaign about cholesterol is the biggest scam in medicine. This gigantic scam was set up by the man pictured to the left - Donald Rumsfeld. You remember him, right? He also brought you aspartame, the artificial sweetener. Under his influence it seems every doctor and every health plan has a quota of statin drugs that they must sell to every person they can. In some HMO's the doctor -now called a 'provider'- receives a demerit if he or she fails to prescribe a statin drug to all of their patients whose cholesterol is said to be too high. What is too high? When I was in medical school too high was over 230. Over the years since then, the number has been dropped lower and lower until now 'too high' is above 200. There is talk of lowering it to 190! Why the consistent attempt to lower what 'too high' means? Every 10 point drop is equal to $1 billion in new drug sales per year, that's why! For the most part, for most people cholesterol is not a real problem. I did have a patient one time whose blood was a milky white color when we drew it - he had a cholesterol problem! You probably don't. You have a problem with a health care provider who is under the thumb of Big Pharma. He's not working for you, he's working for them - the HMO and Big Pharma. You better escape while you still can. Read the article below and see what the consequences are for those who take the dangerous and unnecessary statin drugs.

British Medical Journal Exposes Statin Scam(NaturalNews)

To hear Big Pharma tell it, statin drugs are "miracle" medicines that have prevented millions of heart attacks and strokes. But a recent study published in the British Medical Journal tells a completely different story: For every heart attack prevented by the drug, two or more people suffered liver damage, kidney failure, cataracts or extreme muscle weakness as a result of taking the drug.

Statin drugs, in other words, harm far more people than they help.

Julia Hippisley-Cox and Carol Coupland led the study which examined data from over two million patients, including over 225,000 patients who were new statin drug users.

They found that for every 10,000 women being treated with statins, there were only 271 fewer cases of heart disease.

And yet, at the same time, the statin drugs caused 74 cases of liver damage, 23 cases of acute kidney failure, 39 cases of extreme muscle weakness and 307 cases of cataracts.

Statin drugs, in other words, helped 271 people but harmed 443 people. This demonstrates how they are wreaking havoc with the health of those who take them, causing damage that far outweighs any benefit they might offer.

Big Pharma's highly deceptive advertising implies that statin drugs help everyone who takes them. So if 10,000 people took the drugs, we're promised, heart attacks would be prevented in all 10,000 people. That's the implied message in the drug ads, anyway.

But this is just a wild exaggeration and distortion of the facts. Most drugs don't work on most people, and statin drugs only "work" on about 2.7% of those who take them. Yet they cause serious damage in about 4.4% of those who take them.

So if you take statin drugs, your odds of benefiting from them is less than 3 out of 100. But your odds of being harmed by them are more than 4 out of 100. For 96 out of 100 people, statin drugs do nothing except make the drug companies rich and pollute the waterways every time you flush the toilet.

Statin drugs, then, are basically a crap shoot with your health.

Keep the pharma profits rolling
From the point of view of Big Pharma, they have the added benefit of causing other diseases that often result in yet more drugs or medical procedures being prescribed. Kidney dialysis makes big money for hospitals, by the way. It's a multi-billion-dollar business all by itself. Statin drugs are therefore a way for the sick-care industry to recruit new patients into kidney dialysis, knowing that some percentage of statin drug users are going to end up with full-blown kidney failure.

What's really interesting about all this is how easy it is to fool doctors into prescribing statin drugs. Doctors mistakenly think these are miracle drugs, but they're never read the research. They've been convinced by drug reps, misleading medical journal articles and Big Pharma advertising -- and they bought it!

Mainstream doctors, you see, are perhaps the most gullible people on the planet. They'll gladly prescribe a drug that harms more people than it helps -- by the millions -- because they can be almost effortlessly swayed into pushing poison pills through "science babble" language used by drug companies to promote their pills.

Doctors are literally walking around today thinking statin drugs are such miracle lifesavers that some doctors openly talked about dripping the drug into the public water supply! That's how convinced they are about the drug's benefits. They think everyone should be taking statins whether they need them or not!

It's downright loony. But that's characteristic of western medicine, isn't it? Proclaim your poison to be "miracle medicine" while utterly ignoring the truth that those drugs harm far more people than they help (and they simply don't work on more than 90% of people who take them).

The statin scam
Statin drugs are a scam, plain and simple, and the doctors who prescribe them are puppets used by Big Pharma to sell high-profit drugs to people who for the most part won't even benefit from them. That this research exposing the truth about statin drugs even appeared in the British Medical Journal is a minor miracle all by itself, by the way. But it does indicate that the wall of lies constructed about statins by Big Pharma is starting to crack.

If the truth about statins were openly known, the drugs wouldn't be prescribed to anyone, and drug companies would be sued for billions of dollars for their false advertising and marketing manipulations.

Until that happens, just remember this: Any doctor who recommends a statin drug is a con man drug pusher. If they don't have the honesty to research the truth about these drugs and stop prescribing them, they certainly cannot be trusted with your health. If they're pushing statin drugs on you, they're really just working for Big Pharma, not for you, and they're not interested in real science and the real impacts of drugs on patients.

It brings up another hugely important question in modern medicine: Why don't doctors have the capability to question the false beliefs of their own industry? As you might have guessed, that's the topic of another story altogether.

Sources for this story include:

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