26 June 2010

The Oil Is Radioactive!

Crude oil is full of toxic chemicals which makes exposure to it an extreme hazard to health. But some oil is also radioactive due to the presence of thorium and uranium. This is usually due to very deep wells like the one in the Gulf that is spewing forth gushers of oil from very deep down in the earth's crust. The deeper the oil, the more radioactive. Is it possible that the sickness caused by the oil spill is also a form or radiation sickness such as that experienced by the Army soldiers fighting in Iraq - or people living in Iraq- and other war zones where depleted uranium weapons are being used? The following report raises the possibility that the worst human caused catastrophe in recent history has just gotten worse.

Urgent - Radioactive Oil From BP Blowout!
Posted At Godlike Productions

This is going to blow the roof off of the scope of this disaster. This is why people are getting sick. This is why they are using Corexit in such quantities, this is why there aren't many ships out there. The radioactivity is beyond safe levels.

Remeber 'Alas, Babylon' while you read.

Lets first start with Eugene Island 330.

The mystery of Eugene Island.

Eugene island is a submerged geological feature like an underwater mountain 80 miles off the coast of Louisiana. The landscape is littered with deep fissures and faults which gush large amounts of oil and gas. A platform named Eugene Island 330 was producing 15,000 barrels of oil in the early 1970's. By the late 80's, the flow has reduced to 4,000 barrels a day. Then suddenly a mysterious thing happened. Production at Eugene Island 330 suddenly jumped back to 13,000 barrels a day. The reserve was refilled just like that. It is estimated the reserves went from 60 million barrels to 400 million barrels in a few days time. Something very strange is happening under the Gulf of Mexico.

What happened at Eugene Island supports the growing theory that oil is renewable from deep Earth processes. But don't let the general population know this. This aids to explain why the Middle East oil feilds seem to be inexhaustable.

Scientists noticed oils chemical composition did not change as fossil records had changed. Many scientist now believe oil is not created by decomposing remains of life since areas of very different ecospheres are producing oil of equal composition.

But there is much more to talk about the new discoveries of deep oil. Something very dangerous lurks in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Keep in mind the reserve Deepwater was drilling happens to be the deepest offshore reserve to date. Also keep in mind how we learned oil is sourced from deep below the Earths crust. Further down then mankind has been able to study and observe.

Helium is a naturally occurring gas formed in oil reserves. So common that helium detectors have been used to discover oil reserves. Helium is an inert gas known to be a by-product from the radiological decay of uranium and thorium. Uranium and Thorium are known to be in great quantities at greater depths. Yes, radioactive elements occur naturally and can be found and detected in trace amounts in shallow oil reserves. Oil reserves that do not produce large amounts of methane also lack uranium and thorium. The presence of methane is proportional to the presence of uranium and thorium, both radioactive elements.

Yes, you read that correctly!

The more methane that is present reflects the amount of Uranium and Thorium in the oil reserve. The deeper the oil, the younger the radiological decay is that produces helium. The Eugene Island 330 rig was replenished showing deep oil is resupllying the more shallow oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico just off the coast of Louisiana.


"The energy coming from uranium and thorium decay is thought to be the most significant energy source inside the earth," Tolich said. "So this is the driving engine for things such as tectonic plate movements, volcanoes and earthquake. We are looking for neutrinos, particularly electron antineutrinos ... coming from uranium and thorium decay inside the earth. The uranium and thorium is distributed all through the earth in the mantle. One part in 10 million of the earth's mass is thought to be made of uranium and thorium.

That is correct! There is a large feed from Deep Earth just off the coast of Louisiana. Does this ring any bells? Give you the idea of the scope of the disaster yet?

Deep Earth oil is flooding to the surface and it is contaminated with uranium and thorium. During the Gulf War the Gulf Syndrome is speculated to be caused by the expulsion of Uranium and Thorium from the wells opened up by Saddam Hussein. Similar symptoms of illness are now beginning to occur at the Deepwater Horizon spill site and the resulting oil slick.

It is my conclusion, the oil from Deepwater is Deep Earth oil with elevated levels of radioactivity from Uranium and Thorium that hasn't had the time to decay.

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