20 May 2010

The Healing Power of Honey (manuka)

Holy Qur'an 16: 68 and 69:
And thy Lord revealed to the bee:

Make hives in the mountains

and in the trees and in what they build,

Then eat of all the fruits and walk in the ways of thy Lord submissively.

There comes forth from their bellies a beverage of many hues,

in which there is healing for men.

Therein is surely a sign for a people who reflect..

Active Manuka Honey

Active Manuka Honey is used both internally (gastro-intestinal) as well as externally (for wound care). Following is a brief overview for the many uses of Active Manuka Honey. This honey also tastes great in tea, on toast, with butter or peanut butter...Active Manuka Honey = Internal Uses-Acid Reflux-Heartburn-Esophagus Ulcer-Up-set Stomach-Stomach Ulcer (Peptic Ulcer)-Helicobacter Pylori (h. pylori)-Gastritis-Duodenal Ulcer-Ulcerative Colitis-Mild forms of Diverticulitis-Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)How to take Active Manuka Honey for Gastro-Intestinal Disorders:Take 1 teaspoon of Active Manuka Honey 3-4 times per day on a small square inch size piece of bread or toast, slice of bagel, slice of banana or piece of apple, 20-30 min. before breakfast, lunch and dinner to help coat out the gastro-intestinal tract. Take a 4th teaspoon of Active Manuka Honey attached to a small piece of food, before retiring for the day, and brush your teeth after that. Always talk to your doctor first, before trying any natural remedy. If you are diabetic, ask your doctor as to the amount of Active Manuka Honey you can have and change your diet throughout the day as needed and according to your doctor's directions.Active Manuka Honey - External Uses:First Degree BurnSecond Degree BurnThird Degree BurnChemical BurnsWounds / Open WoundsInfectious WoundsMRSA Infected WoundsWounds that just wont healOld War WoundsAmputation Stump WoundChronic WoundsPost-operative WoundsFirst Aid Wound TreatmentUlcersDecubitus UlcersSkin UlcerDiabetic Foot UlcersDiabetic Leg UlcersDiabetic WoundSoresBed SoresLeg SoresScarsPost-operative ScarsInsect StingsInsect BitesPoison OakPoison IvyMinor CutsAbrasionsScratchesAcne
How to apply Active Manuka Honey to any type of external Wound, Burn, Ulcer, Sore, Bed Sore and Surgical Scar:Active Manuka Honey is applied to burns, wounds, ulcers, sores, surgical scars, decubitus sores (bed sores), diabetic leg and foot ulcers, amputation stump wounds and other MRSA and VRE staph infected wounds. Gently wash the wound with a saline solution. Apply Active Manuka Honey to a sterile gauze, similar like spreading honey onto a toast, not too much and not too little. Then apply the gauze with the honey attached to the wound. Apply 2-3 additional layers of gauze on top of the first gauze layer, in order to help soak up excess body fluid and honey. Secure gauze around the edges with skin friendly paper tape to keep the gauze in place.Change the Active Manuka Honey Wound Dressing once every 24 hours in the evening. Again gently wash the wound with a saline solution and apply the next honey dressing, until the wound is completely healed.If a wound has a mal odor, it is infected. Once you start applying Active Manuka Honey to a wound, you can expect the mal odor to subside within 5-10 days, depending on the size and depth of the wound, that is about how long it takes to help clear up the infection. Next you will notice that the wound will appear less and less deep. Then you should start to see healthy pink skin form around the edges of the wound and last you'll notice the edges of the wound shrinking in size, until the wound is completely healed.We recommend that you document the wound healing progress by taking good, sharp clear digital photos with good lighting. Take a photo about every 3-4 days or more, depending on how fast the wound is healing. When you submit the wound photos to us, and with your permission to publish the photos online at
www.manukahoneyusa.com/CustomerTestimonies.htm, we will send you a reward including free shipping. By submitting your photo story to us, you will help other people by encouraging them to give this medicinal honey a try.
Are there any side-effects to Active Manuka Honey"There are no known side effects to using Active Manuka Honey, unless one is allergic to honey or the tea tree bush. When Active Manuka Honey is applied for external wound care, occasional burning or stinging sensation may occur in sensitive people. If that should occur, remove Active Manuka Honey Dressing, wash wound with sterile saline solution and reapply a 50/50 mix of Active Manuka Honey with Regular Manuka Honey. By mixing equal parts of Active Manuka Honey with Regular Manuka Honey will bring down the concentration of the honey and the natural honey dressing should no longer burn or sting when applied to an external wound.Active Manuka Honey is supported by over 20 years of extensive research. The honey helps to protect and heal a wound and can be used for long term treatment for MRSA and VRE staph infected wounds.Active Manuka Honey is like a "natural antibiotic" and has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect 4 times greater than a standard antiseptic. This honey has been found to naturally destroy staphaureus, streptococcus, as well as Methicillin-Resistant Staph Auereus (MRSA) and VRE staph infections.When Active Manuka Honey is used as a wound dressing, the wound dressing change is painless, because the honey is a natural barrier between the wound and the dressing. Once a wound is completely healed (even 1-2 inch deep and infected wounds that can reach down to bone tissue), typically one does not have to undergo skin grafting. Active Manuka Honey "feeds" a wound with natural sugars, which help to produce new cells, cells that eventually fill a deep gap, back to the surface of the skin, making skin grafting in most cases unnecessary.Active Manuka Honey is easy to apply to any type of wound and is also very cost effective, when compared to lengthy hospital stays and conventional wound healing methods such as antibiotic ointments, silver treatments and cortison creams. To view our customer Photo Testimonies regarding wound healing with Active Manuka Honey, please go to:
http://www.manukahoneyusa.com/customer-testimonies-with-photos.htmWhich Manuka Honey strength should I use for internal or external applications?Active Manuka Honey with a UMF range between 16-18:Internal uses of Active Manuka Honey include: acid reflux, esophaghitis, heartburn, gastritis, up-set stomach (after food poisoning), stomach ulcer, h. pylori (helicobacter pylori = stomach ulcer causing bacteria), duodenal ulcer, ibs (irritable bowel syndrome) and mild forms of diverticulitis and colitis, short, Active Manuka Honey is used to help sooth and heal gastro-intestinal issues naturally.External uses of Active Manuka Honey include:First degree burn, second degree burn, third degree burn, chemical burns (after thoroughly washing off chemicals with cool water), wounds, infectious wounds, MRSA and/or VRE staph infected wounds, wounds that just wont heal with traditional medicine such as antibiotic ointments, cortison creams etc. old war wounds, amputation stump wounds, chronic wounds, post-operative scars (after caesarean, shoulder or hip operations, cosmetic surgery, tummy tuck, face lift, any surgery that leaves a scar...) first aid wound treatment, ulcers, decubitus ulcers, skin ulcer, diabetic foot ulcers, diabetic leg ulcers, diabetic wound, sores, bed sores, leg sores, scars, insect stings, insect bites, poison oak, poison ivy, minor cuts, abrasions, scratches, itches, severe adult or teenage acne...Active Manuka Honey with a UMF 10+Most people use Active Manuka Honey with a UMF range between 16-18 for internal and external applications. However for some people this honey may be too strong and could burn and sting when applied to an external wound. If one feels a burning or stinging sensation lasting longer than 10-15 minutes after application to a wound, or it is simply too painful, one needs to wash off the honey and do one of the following things:
1. Switch to using Active Manuka Honey 10+ for external wound care, or2. Mix Active Manuka Honey with a UMF range between 16-18 with equal parts, 50/50, with Regular Manuka Honey, then re-apply this mix to the wound. This way you are still using Active Manuka Honey with a lesser strength. This mix should no longer burn or sting. However, for a few people who are extremely sensitive this 50/50 mix may still be too strong. In this case you could try using just Regular Manuka Honey for wound care, as Regular Manuka Honey still has natural anti-bacterial strength, a strength that is less than UMF 10.Regular Manuka Honey:Regular Manuka Honey is used for medicinal purposes when experiencing a sore throat, cold, canker sore, fever blister or for manuka honey facials when suffering from acne, pimples or other skin care issues. Spas mix Regular Manuka Honey into their secret blend of facial masks and body toners. The customer may never know, why the facial mask feels so good and cleansing, clearing the skin from impurities, thanks to the honey's natural "drawing effect". After the facial, the skin feels nice, clean, plump and nourished. You can also use 100% Regular Manuka Honey for facials you can do at home.Instructions for Manuka Honey Facials:Tie hair up and away from face. Wash face with Royal Jelly Soap and pat skin dry. Take 1-2 teaspoons of Regular Manuka Honey and spread all over face, the same way you apply sunscreen. Leave Manuka Honey mask on for 30-60 minutes, then wash off with warm water. For dry skin type, apply 7 Cream to face after facial. For regular skin, apply Royal Jelly Hand & Body Lotion which is also used for the face. If you have a more severe, infected adult acne type problem, you can use Active Manuka Honey for the facial.Regular Manuka Honey is also eatable and tastes delicious in tea, on toast, mixed with butter or peanut butter and is also used as the 'secret' ingredient in cooking, baking and BBQ sauces. Manuka Honey adds a special, unique and non-descript flavor, that no one can really pin point (not even chef cooks!).
What is the difference between Regular Manuka Honey and Active Manuka Honey?Regular Manuka Honey and Active Manuka Honey, are both collected from the flower of the Manuka Bush (leptospermum scoparium) in New Zealand, and are sold in the US by Manuka Honey USA. Manuka Honey is less concentrated than Active Manuka Honey. Manuka Honey is used for sore throats, colds, canker sores, fever blisters, acne and pimples. Manuka Honey also tastes great in tea or on toast with peanut butter! Active Manuka Honey is collected in an area where the Manuka Bush is highly concentrated, therefore producing a more concentrated honey. Dr. Molan from the Waikato University of New Zealand has been researching Manuka Honey for over 20 years and has classified various strengths of Manuka Honey.


  1. great information. thanks for sharing. congratulations on 200 listed followers!

  2. hello friends I really liked this information, a few days ago I read something similar, I would like to receive updates on this issue, as it is very interesting, thanks!

  3. Great information about Manuka Honey.

  4. Thanks for the post! I had no idea that manuka honey usa was so good for you! I need to give it a try.

  5. plzzz correct your translation about quran, Obove at first

    (there is healing for men) in quran says its healing for HUMANITY or CAN SAY there is healing for mankind, Not only for men, (SHIFA UL LINAAS)

  6. If you have a Diabetic Foot Problems you can contact Dr. Amit Bhargava. Dr. Amit Bhargava is a an internationally trained senior Orthopedic Specialist.

  7. Manuka honey, like any other raw honey is a gift from the bees. Honey can cure your lots of problems . I think you are right, manuka honey can cure acne effectively. I don’t have acne problem but I have seen so many people who are still using honey to cure their face related problems. So, I do agree that by manuka honey anyone can get rid of acne .

  8. Hi, Thanks for sharing your knowledge about the healing power of Manuka honey. Keep posting such blogs.
    Manuka Honey USA is a popular company in USA, and offers pure, raw and organic manuka honey since 1994. Buy active manuka honey to get the full advancements of manuka honey.

  9. Hello I am curious of protocols for posion ivy. I am one week in and have mainly on arms and midsection.

  10. I initially bought Manuka honey for my tea and its internal benefits.
    I never thought that I would need it to help cure my poison ivy and a staph infection that resulted from an infected bee sting.

    The Manuka honey is soothing to the inflamed skin and helps to heal.
    I put a thin coat on the nasty skin and wait for 20-30 minutes.
    I rinse with cold water and find that my skin is less itchy and the honey is helping with the healing process.
