22 March 2010

Prevent Cancer with Fruits and Vegetables

Dr Russell Blaylock is one of my favorite writers on health care issues. He consistently puts out very valuable information that is immediately useful to his readers. I am sure you will enjoy this article that is directly related to the benefits of eating the right kinds of vegetables and fruits in the prevention of cancer. The major point is the length of time it takes for full blown cancer to develop. The long lead time makes dietary prevention possible for those who are aware of the importance of right diet. Once frank cancer exists,
diet plays a secondary role to surgery and chemotherapy.
Therefore, it's better to be proactive rather than complacent about what we eat.
Keep in mind that the quality of fruits and vegetables has generally declined over the last decades. We need to become serious about producing a higher quality food for ourselves and others to consume. This is one of the major keys to health and longevity.
Enjoy. Learn. Share.
Dr. Blaylock

Stop Cancer With Fruits and Vegetables
Cancers can begin to develop anywhere from 10 to 40 years before they are diagnosed. We know they can be generated by many things, such as chemicals (carcinogens) and radiation exposure, but studies have found that one central event is most closely associated with cancer development — chronic inflammation. This inflammation, which is persistent and prolonged, leads to the generation of free radicals which can lead to cancer.
In one study, researchers looked at a large number of cancer patients and found that almost 70 percent had pre-existing chronic inflammatory diseases for 10 to 17 years before they developed cancer. For more information on the development of cancer and how to fight it, read my special report
"Prevent Cancer Before It's Too Late.''
Fortunately, a healthy diet filled with nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables — especially vegetables — can help fight inflammation and thus help prevent the development of cancer. For a detailed discussion on inflammation and its role in many diseases, see my newsletter "Inflammation: The Real Cause of Most Diseases."
Certain vegetables contain extremely high levels of cancer-preventing substances, while others have very few. Studies have shown that the cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower, provide superior cancer-preventing power.
A number of other vegetables are big hitters, as well. These include turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens, cabbage, carrots, and tomatoes.
Of the fruits, the most important are cranberries, currants, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and apples (especially the McIntosh variety).
I omitted grapes, even though they contain a number of powerful cancer-preventing substances, because many are high in fluoride, due to an insecticide (cryolite) that is sprayed on crops. Fluoride has been shown to increase cancer growth and bone cancer risk by 600 percent in young men.
Many compounds found in fruits and vegetables can neutralize the cancer-causing effects of pesticides and herbicides. They include quercetin, a flavonoid found in cranberries, apples, onions, and teas, and glucosinolate, which is found in brussels sprouts, kale, and broccoli.
These food products neutralize the cancerous effects of pesticides and herbicides by stimulating the body’s detoxification systems.
Another way to avert danger is by removing the pesticide and herbicide residues from your fruits and vegetables. You should carefully cleanse all produce in a vegetable wash. For more information on how to make sure your food is safe, read my special report
"How to Avoid Poisonous Foods."
© 2010 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
Special Links
Eating the Right Foods Can Prevent Cancer. Details Here.
Vitamin D: The Secret Anti-Cancer Agent
12 Nutrients Will Sharpen Memory, Protect Your Brain

1 comment:

  1. It's true. The best way to stay healthy and fit is through incorporating fruits and vegetables in our daily diet. Thanks for the facts. More power!
