01 March 2010

Modern Day Grafting

So what is 'transbiology'? It is referring to the ability to engineer or design life-forms that do not occur naturally. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us about the scientist Yakub who did that very thing 6600 years ago on the Isle of Patmos. The term used for the process was 'grafting'. If you understand the concept of grafting then you know that the science of 'transbiology' is not new at all. The following article shows what is going on now in this novel field of research - but it does not answer the 'WHY' question.
Enjoy. Learn. Share.


From 911WeKnow.com
Picture: Columbus, Ohio about a decade ago now. -- Kimberly
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck ... what is it?
Strange things are happening in our world. Materials are emerging that have not existed before, and we're not talking about ducks. As geoengineering scientists the world over expound on their ambitious plans for meddling with weather and nature to address "climate change," the public goes about its business as usual. "Mess with the weather? Why not? Maybe they'll let the neighborhoods vote on it!"
Today, alas, weather is not weather and ducks are not ducks. The jabberwocky extends to humans, too, unfortunately. And though this introduction is written as though to make light of the subject, please know that the subject is not light at all. Far from it.
Life: A New Classification
One independent researcher has now discovered that we are filled with "new organisms" that match no known biological life form.
Filaments abound in us, of unknown origin, that contain certain microscopic components which are unclassifiable. Some are like chlamydia (a bacterial parasite that typically causes urogenital infections), some are like mycoplasma (a bacterial parasite typically found in mammals), and some are erythrocytic (red-blood-cell like, but somehow modified or engineered).
The chlamydia-like structure does not seem to be bacterial, as it survives applications of extreme chemicals and heat. The mycoplasma-like form is also not bacterial, as it too does not suffer under chemical and heat extremes. The red-blood-cell form manages to appear and renew itself (replicate) away from any biological (animal) host ... Hey, folks! -- that's super-high technology at the very least, wouldn't you say?
When you consider the three domains that encompass the life forms on our earth (bacteria, archaea, and eukarya), and you compare the properties of what this particular researcher has discovered in his petri dishes, you are led to a very confusing conclusion. Organisms that are archaeic (from the second life group) can exist without oxygen and are found in natural conditions of extreme heat and cold (volcanic vents and under the ice shelf). So, as our researcher has found, for something that looks like bacteria to behave like archaea suggests that some sort of crossover of the two forms has taken place.
Blood from a dog shows chlamydia-
like forms on the red-cell wall
(click to enlarge)
The light-colored specks are chlamydia-
like forms that have grown in a culture
of human blood (click to enlarge)
Hmmm. Well, let's go onto the the filament itself. Filaments occurring in nature generally fall into the fungus family (part of the eukarya life group), but this filament can't be matched with any type of known fungus. In addition, it contains materials from the other class(es) in its tubular interior! Again, hmmm.
So, where do we go with this? Our researcher concludes: "It appears we are dealing with an organism that transcends the structural existence that has been defined for life itself ... an orchestrated synthesis that crosses the lines of the three domains of life on this planet." In other words, something is appearing in living things (animals too) that is a new life form, a transbiological form, that cannot be classified according to what we know, that appears to have been engineered, that resists destruction, and -- if you read our researcher's previous papers -- that appears to self-replicate. (Read the full paper on "A New Classification" here.)
People -- homo sapiens -- are of the eukarya life group (fungi, protozoa, slime molds, plants and animals). But if we now have components of the other groups materializing in us, are we still homo sapiens? There is such a thing on the books as homo evolutis, you know. The transhumanist movement is pushing for a new kind of human by this name. Posthumans will not be like us, and perhaps we are already conforming to the recipe for the creation of this future species.
What do the next few years hold? DARPA (the research department of the military) is about to sink millions into a program called BioDesign, aiming to eliminate "the randomness of natural evolutionary advancement." Look at that again and think. This is about overriding nature. The plan is to create synthetic organisms that are immortal, or can be killed on molecular command (throwing a program or switch). In other words, life and death will be technologically determined, and natural forces will play no role in the matter. As reported on Wired.com, the idea is "to come up with living, breathing creatures that are genetically engineered to 'produce the intended biological effect.' Darpa wants the organisms to be fortified with molecules that bolster cell resistance to death, so that the lab-monsters can "ultimately be programmed to live indefinitely."
Hmmm. An announcement of the intention to make synthetic life that can be programmed. And who are the lab rats so far? Or, who gets to be programmed and who gets to be spared? Does the neighborhood vote on it? Read full article here.
For a better understanding of how these new organisms have gained entry into our bodies and tissues, please visit our "Morgellons Syndrome" page. The dissemination of suspicious materials by way of aerosol spraying operations that span much of the world has been photographed, videotaped and commented on by thousands of concerned people. Official agencies deny that anything untoward is happening, yet soil and water samples show dangerous levels of dangerous substances (check out the rest of this website). Human health is suffering, as is plant and tree life.
What is afoot -- or above -- as the case may be? Are we being altered already, as DARPA desires? Who has taken upon themselves the right to transform us in this way? See our "Up Close and Personal" page for even more.


  1. My biggest question is, how does one avoid acquiring or coming in contact with these organisms?

  2. ASA Khadijah,
    First thing is to avoid vaccination which will directly inject these things into your body. Second, avoid chem-trails that may contain these things. Third, avoid GM foods which may contain these things. Fourth, pray for Allah's mercy and protection.
