24 March 2010

The Facts Behind the Health Care Bill

Want to know how the Health Reform Act passed into law will effect you and yours? Watch this video to find out the main facts. You be the judge as to whether or not this is a great victory.
Enjoy. Learn. Share.


  1. ASA brother,

    I love and appreciate all the hard work you've done over the years and today. While I don't think too much of the health bill passed, the youtube video is a collection of conservative talking points designed to play on the peoples distrust of government. The way it stresses the words, 'taxes, force, MUST, government' is a method of framing and pushing a line of thinking that calls people to argue on behalf of those who benefit from the subjugation of the poor.

  2. Well, I don't know whether being concerned about intrusive government authority is a conservative talking point or not. I just enjoy as much personal freedom as possible. It bothers me that the government "mandates" that I and you buy medical insurance of a particular type, as though one size fits all. I'm sure the insurance companies will love all the new 'clients' the government forces to buy coverage from them. How do you define 'fascism'?
    What about the kind of medicine that I practice - healing with nutrition? Why isn't that covered? Then, there's the reaching into my pocket and taking $5000 a year for something I don't want. And then somehow it gets linked to the IRS to "collect" if I don't go along. Something aint right here.

  3. I agree with you about the personal freedoms nor do I like the idea of being mandated to purchase anything. That said, its a symptom of a type of thinking that believes that the "market" can solve all problems. Other societies view the whole debate as silly and somewhat insane. Fascism is the merger of Corporate and State interest. Its no secrete that Congress is bought and paid for and does their bidding. This bill is a gift that guarantees them 38 million "customers". The mandate is a half [hearted] attempt to solve a problem after admitting that the solution [a single payer system] is off the table. Holistic medicine I'd suggest is like holistic governance. Balance in food and thinking is necessary just as balance in social policy and governmental function to govern justly. This Government is now an agent of multinational corporations, but that isn't to say that a righteous government cannot exist. As you know such a structure must be engineered [atonement commission] but Im often concerned that some of us are 'poisoned' against the very concept of government.
