28 March 2010

A Closer Look at Obama Care

Just a week ago the Health Reform Legislation passed Congress and was signed into law by the President. Most of us do not understand the implications of this bill. On the surface it sounds good. Who could be against 'Health Reform' that ensures the uninsured? But as often is the case, "The devil is in the details". The following article is written by one of the students in the Power Study Group at Howard University who has taken a closer look at what the bill actually says. It may be far different from what you think it says.

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 1:55 AM, Jalil Muhammad wrote:
ASA Doc,
Below is an article, inspired by our most recent Study Group regarding health care, written by Brother Jericho X.
"The following statements are taken from Sec. 1501. Requirement To Maintain Minimum Essential Coverage which is part of H.R. 3590 more commonly known as the “Health Care Reform Bill”. Let me first explain what this section is referring to. Requirement to maintain essential coverage is a government mandate that requires all U.S. citizens to have health insurance, that is, citizens are required by law to purchase health insurance from a private company. The exceptions being if you have employee-based health coverage or if you can’t afford minimum coverage. However, to viably say you cannot afford minimum coverage means at the very least that you are living 100% below the poverty level. Currently the poverty level for a family of 4 is set at $22,050 a year. So let’s be very clear, the United States government and the Obama administration is not providing health care for anyone, they are simply ordering everyone to buy health care. Let’s also remember that Medicaid and Medicare have been around since the 1960’s so don’t try and use the argument that “oh, if you can’t afford it you can just get on Medicaid”, that was true before the passage of this bill. And so to counter any arguments that this is just conspiracy theory or crazy talk let’s look at what the bill says about itself:

Sec. 1501. (a) The individual responsibility requirement provided for in this section is commercial and economic in nature. The requirement regulates activity that is commercial and economic in nature: economic and financial decisions about how and when health care is paid for, and when health insurance is purchased. Health insurance and health care services are a significant part of the national economy. The requirement, together with other provisions of this Act, will add millions of new consumers to the health insurance market, increasing supply of, and demand for , health care services.

Now please tell me where in this passage does it actually mention the health of the people? As a matter of fact show me where it actually refers to people and not to consumers. What is it that these health care companies are selling to these consumers? Drugs, drugs, and more drugs. The United States, unlike every other civilization in history, practices Allopathic medicine. Allopathic medicine is a system of medical practice which treats disease by the use of drugs which produce effects different from those produced by the disease (we call them side-effects). However, if given to healthy people these drugs are capable of producing the same effects as the disease itself. Now let’s look at this situation another way using the example of the police, the drug-dealer, and the junkies. The drug-dealers use to discriminate against some of the junkies and wouldn’t get them high so the junkies had to resort to robbing and stealing or they would die in the street. When the police had to deal with the junkies it consumed valuable time and money so they got an idea. The police decided to force the drug-dealers not to discriminate anymore and make them sell their drugs to everyone, but there was a problem some of the junkies were trying to get clean. So not only did the police have to force the drug-dealers to stop discriminating but they had to force the junkies to continue to buy the drugs. So now the junkies are oppressed by the police and in debt to the drug-dealers but they don’t care cause they’re high as the skyyyy and we all applaud a so-called victory for the people.

You see the problem isn’t people being uninsured, the problem is that the medical system in this country is not designed to cure disease only to treat the symptoms. The system itself is flawed and so forcing people to buy into a broken system is not a solution, especially when considering the shortage in the amount of doctors and nurses who are charged with treating the supposedly 38 million newly insured people. However, this goes far beyond health care, because congress has just set a precedent. They have passed a law mandating the public to buy a service from a private corporation, this is a power they do not have and according to the constitution any power not given to congress is delegated to the states. So across the nation are scores of people cheering and applauding as America takes it’s first steps into fascist communism by blatantly infringing on state’s rights and defecating on its own constitution."

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if the constitutionality of the is as clear cut as is may seem. I think the lesson for us as a nation is in a first hand look at how NOT to solve problems. This is a half [baked] solution produced out as a compromise from the actual solution. As a nation, its important to be sure we are not taking the same approach to solving problems. The concept of a "mandate" isn't a unreasonable IF the discussion revolves around a market based model (which it shouldn't but does). Insurance only works with the largest pools possible. This is what makes the Co-op option a sham. One serious illness wipes the co-ops capacity to pay on any or claims.

    Government serves a function and purpose. The US Government has been a catalyst for multinational corporations not its people (hence the shift of language from citizens to consumers).

    Personally, Im more concerned that we as a nation do not include or repeat the same stupid, and insane thinking and decision making exhibited in the Obama and previous US administrations.
