02 February 2010

Exclusive Video Direct from Haiti

Just returned from an 8 day mission to Haiti. Here is video of some of the destruction of the government buildings and infra-structure that has virtually shut governmental operations down. They were not all that good before the quake. Now they are almost none existent. Foreigners, some well meaning, others not, are swarming all over Haiti and the people are suffering horribly. The video short here was shot by me from a moving car on my second day in Haiti a week ago.


  1. ASA Dr. Alim, That is (sadly) incredible. What is most notable to me is the total flattened condition of some of the structures. They were reduced to nothing but rubble and mangled twisted piles of mess.
    To think that some people climbed or helped out of that is a miracle.

    Thank you,

    Bro. Scott H. Muhammad

  2. ASA and welcome back. Seeing the devastation and resilence of the people is an all at once painful, and wonderful, reminder of how life goes on in spite of adversity. There is much work still to be done. Thank you and may Allah continue to bless you and your family.

    Sis. LaSchwanna Muhammad

  3. Asa! and welcome back. I would like to thank you very much for keeping us posted about the disater over in haiti. I was watching the quick video that you had sent to us , i was so devastated and hurting inside to see what happen over there in the video . May allah continue to bless them all over there. Sis. Kimberlie x
