06 January 2010

Swine Flu Death Rate Soars in Ukraine and Russia

The H1N1 epidemic continues to explode in the Ukraine with an accelerating death rate. The epidemic of a novel, mutated H1N1 virus has now spread widely into neighboring countries including Russia and is being virtually ignored by the media. While information is sketchy, it is clear that the situation is deadly and still evolving. Even though far away the event in Ukraine and the Eastern European region are only a jet plane ride away. So now is not the time to go to sleep on what can still happen throughout the world. Now is not the time to let down your precautions. We may soon face a nasty third wave of a global pandemic that is far from spent.

Ukraine Fatalities Spike to 805

- One Day Record of 38
Recombinomics Commentary
January 4, 2010

3,802,945 Influenza/ARI
222,205 Hospitalized

805 Dead

The above update is from the Ukraine Ministry of Health. The number of deaths was 38 more than Sunday's report. Donetks had the largest increase. The 11 deaths in the past two days in the oblast brings the season total to 108, which is the highest in Ukraine. Donetks shares a border with Russia (see map), where there have also been a high number of cases. Recently released sequences from Russia match the initial sequences from western Ukraine.Although the number of reported cases has declined in recent days, the jump of 38 deaths in 24 hours is the highest reported to date for Ukraine and raise concerns that sequences with D225G and D225N are becoming more common and are linked to the rise in deaths. Sequences from recent fatalities in eastern Ukraine would be useful.

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