31 December 2009

Swine Flu: The Third Wave Approaches

As the third wave of this pandemic approaches do not let down your guard against influenza. Make sure you are up on your Vitamin D at the very least. Consult previous posts on this blog for details. It aint over til its over and there are a lot of things that are taking place in many places around the world. What is happening in far distant places today may be happening here tomorrow. We are now approaching 4 million cases in Ukraine, where the Mossad agent Joseph Moshe said a bio-weapon would be detonated by Baxter Laboratories. There are now 698 official deaths from H1N1. That number is hard to assess because of limited testing of the sick. The real number is undoubtable much higher. Remember WHO told member countries to stop testing for H1N1 back in August! So all the numbers are suspect. What does all this mean to you? It means you and I are on our own. We have to do what is necessary to protect ourselves. There is going to be no help from the government or anybody else. Let us hope that we do not experience a 'third wave' of this Swine Flu Pandemic. Let us hope that the mutations that are causing high mortality in Ukraine do not become widespread.
Ukraine Fatalities Spike to 698
Recombinomics Commentary 23:55
December 30, 2009

3,722,314 Influenza
210,136 Hospital
698 Dead

The above update is the latest report from the Ukraine Ministry of Health. The increase of 23 dead in the past 24 hours is similar to the prior two days, bringing the three day total for this week to 65, which is similar to the rate at the beginning of the outbreak in October. The largest jump in the past 24 hours was in Donetsk, where the five fatalities raised the season total to 85 (see map). Although cases and deaths are decline across much of the northern hemisphere, the high death rate in Ukraine provides support for another wave of H1N1 in early 2010.The high death rate also raises concerns about receptor binding domain changes. Sequences released from four fatal cases by Mill Hill had D225G. Two more sequences, released by the CDC had D225N and were also likely from fatal cases. Recent reports of D225G and D225N in the same patients raise concerns that both changes were in these patients and sample selection or virus isolation procedures led to detection of one of the two receptor binding domain changes.However, the high death rate associate with either or both of these receptor binding domain changes raises concerns of the emergence of the changes at a higher frequency. Therefore, release of additional sequences from early as well as recent fatalities would be useful.

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