21 December 2009

Raw Milk Drinkers' Protocol

21 December 2009

Raw Milk Drinkers Protocol
By Abdul Alim Muhammad MD

Over the last couple of years, many individuals have approached me with questions about how to properly consume raw milk, a new food experience for many. As a major advocate of the consumption of raw milk, I have a great responsibility to respond to these questions and attempt to bring some clarity to an issue burdened by an enormous amount of confusion and misunderstanding. Some of the questions and concerns are undoubtedly borne of a lack of information on the one hand and the influence of disinformation on the other. This essay is an attempt to counter the negative influence of those who have made a career out of demonizing milk. This campaign to denigrate milk is more than a century old and is deep-seated and pervasive. A fuller presentation on the topic of milk is available in the on-going series of articles published in the Final Call Newspaper entitled, The Miracle of Milk.

The word milk has been misused and abused so much that I must make it clear that when I use the word milk, I mean ‘whole raw milk’ - milk from a healthy grass Pasture fed cow, that has not been pasteurize or homogenized, or skimmed of its natural amount of cream. I do not mean pasteurized milk and I certainly do not mean soy ‘milk’, almond or rice ‘milk’ for the simple reason: Only milk is milk.

Obviously if one heats or boils the milk, the milk is no longer raw and loses its medicinal value and may become problematic in those individuals who are lactase deficient. The myth that raw milk is dangerous and needs to be sterilized must be exposed for what it is: a false belief, based on a misunderstanding of historical and biological facts.

For the complete nutritional value of milk, please visit my blog Life Abundantly at
www.lifeabundantly-alim.blogspot.com In the list of archived articles you will find on entitled: “What’s so great about milk, any way?” Suffice it to say here that raw milk is the best food there is on the whole planet and has the longest history of consumption starting from the first human who suckled at its mother’s breast. Milk has the greatest food value of any food and has the unique ability to completely build and maintain a human body by itself alone.

Therefore, milk should be the first food consumed when one starts a meal. The principle is an ancient one: The Highest First. As the highest value food the daily quota of milk is ingested first, before the ingestion of any other food. Autonomic response testing, also called Nutritional Response Testing, can determine exactly the amount of milk the body is asking for on a daily basis.

In some individuals, this may be 1 to 2 quarts (32oz. to 64 oz.) each day, representing the total caloric need of that person for the day. A quart of high-grade milk from a Jersey or Guernsey cow is approximately 1500 calories. 1500 calories is a substantial portion of the total calories needed per day to maintain body weight.

For example, the average sedentary man may need 2600 to 2800 calories per day, and the average sedentary woman may need 2100 to 2400 calories each day. Any one needing to lose excess weight (fat) can rest assured that a quart of raw milk will provide all of the necessary nutrients for the healthy support of life, but in a relatively low calorie form. A person on a milk diet who is “under eating’ calories by 1,000 a day, will lose weight – approximately 1 pound every 4 days. A very easy, convenient, no gimmick diet for healthy weight loss.

Get the milk in first, then, if there is a taste for some other food, add that on top of the milk. In many cases there is not true desire to eat some other food item. If there is the amount will be much less than otherwise would be the case, since the milk is so ‘filling’ and uniquely satisfies the hunger like no other food.

If you do it the other way around, and consume the milk after other, inferior foods, then there may be some reactions that some of the time may be a little unpleasant. Milk has a rapid transit time through the system of the body. It only takes around 6 hours for it to be ready for elimination. Other foods, especially heavy processed foods like pasta have a very prolonged transit time – maybe 36 to 48 hours. This is slow moving traffic that will be forcefully pushed ahead at a rapid pace by the action of the milk on the digestion system. The laxative effect is actually a good cleansing that is beneficial to the body, but it may have unpleasant and unpredictable social consequences. You could say that the milk is a big help in the proper reform of the diet; because it will quickly remove any ‘junk’ that shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

Remember, raw milk is never harmful. Even when the milk ferments or sours it never becomes harmful to the health. Left alone, sour milk, sometimes called buttermilk, can become yogurt, curds and whey, and eventually cheese. Cheese therefore is just milk that has been fermented in a certain way to produce a certain flavor sometimes over years! But it never goes ‘bad’. Milk, by its very nature, keeps indefinitely.
(To be continued)


  1. ASA does anyone know where i can order Raw Milk from?????

  2. Check your local Alliance for raw milk, the Weston A. Price Foundation, or www.realmilk.com - Find links on my raw milk page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Raw-Milk/31729654556

  3. Is it considered the same or beneficial when you consume milk cold or cool?
    Or, to get the benefits of raw milk, should it be consumed at room temperature?
