23 November 2009

The Good Food Revolution

Here is a picture of Will Allen in one of his hoop houses. These are the innovative structures that allow for year round urban farming. You need to get with this growing movement that is taking root and spreading it's branches far and wide, planting the seeds of self-sufficiency all over the land. Click on the link below that will take you to Will's web site and blog. This is something you do not want to sleep on.

Food Crisis
November 20, 2009 Author: Will Allen

A recent government report states that 1 out of 6 Americans are hungry. We must fix this problem by building a local food system that addresses the goal of ending hunger: one that is just, sustainable and culturally appropriate for our people in all of our cities, towns and hamlets throughout America. We believe that this is the only solution.
We need to take action now in order to build this new sustainable food system.
“Let’s continue to grow the good food revolution!” - Will Allen

Here is the blog link:

Here is a picture of a hoop house in the winter - still growing food!

And here is the story about the installation of a hoop house in Buffalo that I was able to visit a week after Will left town. This was my introduction to this movement. I have been greatly inspired!

Successful installation at Buffalo, NY - Green house, Aquaponics, Compost and Vermicompost System
September 9, 2009 Author: Will Allen 1 Comment
Back in August, Robert Roberston of the Halsey Street Green Solutions Group who works as a local consultant with CAO on this project contacted Will Allen to help facilitate the building of a 20×48 hoop house. The hoop house will be used to house aquaponics system similar to the one that Will has developed at Growing Power and have been helping organizations build throughout the nation.
On September 5th and 6th, Growing Power along with CAO staffers and other local partners successfully installed the hoop house aquaponics system, composting and worm systems.
Will was very impressed with the organization led by L.Nathan Hare, the Executive Director of the Community Action Organization of Erie County New York. “I think it will be a great use of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding that the organization received. This project has already produced green jobs at this organization. This is the type of green projects that will help grow the good food revolution.” - Will Allen
Read the rest of the story on the Buffalo newspaper http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/story/787371.html

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