06 November 2009

Cell Phone and Brain Cancer Link

Everybody has -at least -one and
uses it
on a daily basis
- some more than others.
Is it possible that the high level micro-wave radiation from a cell phone held to the side of the head can cause cancer in the brain and salivary glands?

Here is a report from Britain that shows that there is a significant risk.
Are you surprised that radiating your head can cause problems?
Children are more vulnerable because they are still growing.
Should they be allowed to sleep with the phone beneath their pillow?
Is this the next massive public health disaster in the making?
Is life possible without using a cell phone?

Long-term use of mobile phones 'may be linked to cancer'
Long-term use of mobile phones may be linked to some cancers, a landmark international study will conclude later this year.

By Martin Beckford and Robert WinnettPublished: 24 Oct 2009

Heavy users may face a higher risk of developing brain tumours later in life
A £20million, decade-long investigation overseen by the World Health Organisation (WHO) will publish evidence that heavy users face a higher risk of developing brain tumours later in life, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.
The conclusion, while not definitive, will undermine assurances from the government that the devices are safe and is expected to put ministers under pressure to issue stronger guidance.

A preliminary breakdown of the results found a “significantly increased risk” of some brain tumours “related to use of mobile phones for a period of 10 years or more” in some studies.
The head of the Interphone investigation said that the report would include a “public health message”.
The Interphone inquiry has been investigating whether exposure to mobile phones is linked to three types of brain tumour and a salivary gland tumour.
Its head, Dr Elisabeth Cardis, backed new warnings.
“In the absence of definitive results and in the light of a number of studies which, though limited, suggest a possible effect of radiofrequency radiation, precautions are important,” she said.
“I am therefore globally in agreement with the idea of restricting the use by children, though I would not go as far as banning mobile phones as they can be a very important tool, not only in emergencies, but also maintaining contact between children and their parents and thus playing a reassurance role.
“Means to reduce our exposure (use of hands-free kits and moderating our use of phones) are also interesting.”
The project conducted studies in 13 countries, interviewing tumour sufferers and people in good health to see whether their mobile phone use differed. It questioned about 12,800 people between 2000 and 2004.
Previous research into the health effects of mobile phones, in the short time they have been in use, has proved inconclusive. However, a breakdown of the latest findings, seen by The Daily Telegraph, shows that six of eight Interphone studies found some rise in the risk of glioma (the most common brain tumour), with one finding a 39 per cent increase.
Two of seven studies into acoustic neurinoma (a benign tumour of a nerve between the ear and brain) reported a higher risk after using mobiles for 10 years. A Swedish report said it was 3.9 times higher.
A summary said a definitive link could not be proved because of difficulties with subjects’ memories.
An Israeli study found heavy users were about 50 per cent more likely to suffer tumours of the parotid salivary gland.


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