26 November 2010
25 November 2010
10 Facts About McDonald’s Fast Food
As a reader of this blog, I am quite sure you do not eat at McDonald's, but 1 out of 4 Americans do every single day! I am sure you know somebody like that and I am asking you to pass this article along to them. It may help them to see the light. Thanks.
10 Facts About McDonald’s Fast Food Restaurant You Should Know
Is McDonald’s as innocent as it claims to be? These 10 facts may make you think twice about eating out.
Image via Wikipedia
Many of you have heard controversy about McDonald’sfast food (what they’re doing to obesity, they’re taking over the world, etc. etc.) Though most of these facts do not pertain to McDonalds/obesity, these ten facts can be pretty interesting.
1. McDonalds calls people who eat their food more than once a week “Heavy Users.” And to be honest, it’s often true!
2. The first Ronald McDonald was fired for being too fat.
3. McDonalds has restaurants in over 100 countries.
4. 40% of all of American family meals are eaten outside the home.
5. 1 in every 4 Americans eat at a McDonalds on a daily basis.
6. Almost all nutritionists don’t approve of eating McDonalds more than once a month.
7. You know all those toys Toys R Us sells? McDonalds sells more toys than Toys R Us each year.
8. With all the tests scientists did, they came to the conclusion that many children can recognize McDonalds before they can even speak.
9. Despite what the advertisements say, only 7 foods on the menu completely lack sugar. Even the salads and apples have sugar.
10. To me, this is the most shocking: We as Americans eat over 1,000,000 animals an hour. This includes cows, pig, sheep, turkey, chicken, all animals.
I don’t mean to pick on McDonalds, many of these facts are probably true for other fast food restaurants, but McDonalds is the most widely known fast food
Read more: http://bizcovering.com/major-companies/10-facts-aboout-mcdonalds-fast-food-restaurant-you-should-know/#ixzz16J88OFQB
Related articles
- Ronald McDonald Is a Murderer and Racist!...Or Something (biggovernment.com)
23 November 2010
22 November 2010
The Day of Want Has Arrived
As the following report makes clear there is no grain left in America's pantry. All has been sold or given away. That means that the country may be on the brink of actual famine. If there ever was a time to be concerned about having enough food to eat it has to be right now. Go now and get what you can get to store up. The day of want is upon us. Let us embrace the hoop house agriculture of Growing Power and become food producers now! We have no more time. There is no more food.
USDA: No strategic grain reserves…they sold them!
November 12, 2010 by ppjg
Marti Oakley (c)copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved
A note to readers: Just today, friends in Newnan Georgia reported that as they did their monthly buying of food, a routine they have had for more than twenty years, they were stopped at the check out and told that they had exceeded the allowed amount of various food staples. They were not allowed to purchase more than a few weeks worth of supplies._________________________________________________________
It has begun. Marti
There has been no effort by USDA or CCC to re-establish our strategic grain reserves. The purpose of the CCC is to maintain a balanced supply of food commodities as a strategic backup in case of emergency and is charged with distributing those back up supplies to the population should they be needed. The strategic reserves which had been established as a result of the Great Depression were depleted in the 1980’s and USDA at that time announced it would not re-establish this back up and of course our current bio-tech pandering Ag secretary isn’t about to re-establish them either.
S.510 would insure the capture of the markets for corporations whose only interest is exporting whatever our land can produce to other nations, for commodities profit. Nothing will be held back for the US as “free trade” and export will be first and foremost. Instead of focusing on securing a back up supply for the US, the USDA continues to push for ever more exportation of our food supply. Now why would USDA and congress be promoting export over securing the food supply for the US?
This “free trade” thing is killing us economically. The cost of free trade needs to be measured not by whether or not a few selected individuals make a ton of money, but, by whether or not the economy is benefited by allowing it to continue. Free trade has morphed into rape and pillage, leaving economic destruction in its wake and we are about to be left in the dirt and wondering where our next meal is coming from as multi-national corporations line up to seize control of the worlds food supplies.
Along with this loss of strategic grain reserves, there is no butter, cheese, dry milk or any other food commodity stockpiled for the American people in the event the predicted food crisis occurs. Nearly one third of all corn crops are now diverted to ethanol production and are not grown for food; this while the coming food crisis begins.
It is our belief that this refusal by USDA and CCC to establish a food store for emergencies goes hand in hand with the intent of S.510, the fake food safety bill. This bill will effectively centralize food production not only geographically, but also in the marketplace by eliminating family and independent producers and centralizing food production in CAFO operations and other concentrated farming applications.
The Farmer Owned Reserve (FOR) is busy promoting the most sensible solution to decentralization of food stores, by advocating that grain be stored on farms; effectively establishing and protecting grain reserves as they would be dispersed all across the country as opposed to deposited in massive and easily targeted grain terminals. Of course USDA and CCC have their ears plugged on this sensible solution as it limits their control and manipulation of markets and reduces the number and value of contracts they can issue for export; meaning the amount of money that would be generated by contracting with multi-national corporations against the people of the United States would be seriously impaired, reducing the profit margin for USDA on export contracts.
This was alluded to in the 2009 National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) report on the wonderful deal grain producers would get if they didn’t store grain on site and instead stored in government owned and controlled facilities. Far from being a logical and defensive strategy, the intent of NGFA (another USDA owned corporation)was summed up in its final statement on the advantages of government owned facilities:
- It would better protect CCC’s financial interest, since the value of grain stored at commercial elevators generally is greater than on farm, and is a more “saleable” asset if marketing assistance loan grain is ever forfeited by the producer into CCC’s ownership.
This last statement was in fact the crux of the issue: “forever forfeited by the producer.” Its all about how to seize the supply and who will profit from its sale. None of this plan for massive grain terminals is about anything other than selling off the crops our farmers produce to the highest bidders while leaving the US in the position of having no strategic stores of grains for emergencies. to get the full effect of the planning that went into the theft of our grain crops, you have to read the full document linked above.
Centralization, one of the key talking points when the USDA and FDA is promoting the overthrow of private domestic agriculture, is supposed to be avoided……there could be some mad man in a cave on the other side of the world just waiting for the chance to tip cows over in Iowa. Then what?
These massive terminals that NGFA is promoting would centralize the grain reserves all across the country making them easy targets for terrorists; like the swat teams from USDA and FDA. They don’t have to really worry about them showing up, these teams will be far too busy conducting police state raids on family and independent farms and ranches.
We do need to fear terrorists. You will know them when you see them. They will be dressed like star wars storm troopers and armed to the teeth with weapons the likes of which even James Bond couldn’t imagine. They’ll also have the USDA and/or FDA logo on them just so you know who they are.
As for bio-terrorism……considering we have more than 700 bio-weapons labs cris-crossing the country, its pretty safe to say that should we have a bio weapon attack, it will probably originate from a city near you. Related articles
- In the wake of S.510 Fake food safety....it won't be a matter of what's for dinner....but will we have dinner? (ppjg.wordpress.com)
- Robert Walker: Another Food Crisis (huffingtonpost.com)
- Nebraska wheat, oat harvests down double digits (seattletimes.nwsource.com)
20 November 2010
You must be psychic- here's an article that tells you what you already know- eating veggies is good for you and that means cutting the risk cancer and all other disease too. But read it anyhow for the positive re-enforcement.
EATING a wide variety of fruit and vegetables every day can slash the risk of developing lung cancer by a quarter, a study revealed yesterday.
Smokers in particular can cut their risk but the variety they eat is just as important as the quantity.
Those eating eight or more different types of fruit and veg can reduce their chances of developing epidermoid carcinoma of the lung by up to 23 per cent.
At least eight types a day is key and more beneficial than eating only four a day, says the study compiled by 10 leading cancer research centres across Europe.
Researchers believe it may be possible to cut the risk by a further four per cent for each new kind of fruit or veg added to the daily diet.
Maria Jose Sanchez Perez, the Spanish co-author of the study, said: “Aside from the amount consumed, a varied diet reduces the risk of developing this cancer – above all in smokers.”
The study is published in the Journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
By now we all should know that Congress is for sale - member by member that is. You can buy any Senator or Representative you want. Like any hooker as long as you can pay the price you can get the favor. Here's the bribe list for all the Senators who have to vote on S510 which would outlaw your right to grow, distribute and sell food from your own private garden. Tell your whore in Congress to vote no even if they have to give the money back to the John. Some tricks ain't worth turning. This is one trick where all of us end up getting screwed.
11-18-2010 11:16 pm - John W. Wallace
The following is a list of U.S Senators and the Bribes (I mean campaign contributions) that these Senators received from Special Interest Groups to either support or opposed S.510 - The FDA Food Safety and Modernization Act. I have listed the names of the Senators, the Party and State, and the amount of Special Interest Bribes (I mean campaign contributions) that they received:
Name of Senator - Party & State - Bribe For S.510 or Bribe Against S.510
Daniel Akaka - D HI - Bribe For: $27,690 - Against: $700
Lamar Alexander - R TN - Bribe For: $190,421 - Against: $4,850
John Barrasso - R WY - For: $31,350 - Against: $27,500
Max Baucus - D MT - Bribe for: $123,803 - Against: $55,980
Evan Bayh - D IN - Bribe For: $45,200 - Against: 8,250
Mark Begich - D AK - Brobe For: $23,050 - Against: $2,000
Michael Bennet - D CO - Bribe For: $38,509 - Against: $22,050
Robert Bennett - R UT - Bribe For: $105,530 - Against: $10,000
Jeff Bingaman - D NM - Bribe For: $31,498 - Against: $8,450
Christopher Bond - R MO - Bribe For: $49,550 - Against: $5,200
Barbara Boxer - D CA - Bribe For: $120,000 - Against: $13,650
Sherrod Brown - D OH - Bribe For: $57,800 - Against: $6,600
Samuel Brownback - R KS - Bribe For: $20,950 - Against: $13,500
Jim Bunning - R KY - Brobe For: $20,700 - Against: $2,000
Richard Burr - R NC - Bribe For: $328,086 - Against: $32,292
Roland Burris - D IL - Bribe For: $0 - Against: $0
Maria Cantwell - D WA - Bribe For: $93,541 - Against: $2,750
Benjamin Cardin - D MD - Bribe For: $72,200 - Against: $0
Thomas Carper - D DE - Bribe For: $83,150 - Against: $0
Robert Casey - D PA - Bribe For: $80,576 - Against: $4,600
Saxby Chambliss - R GA - Bribe For: $557,694 - Against: $108,041
Thomas Coburn R OK - Bribe For: $64,400 - Against: $14,200
Thad Cochran - R MS - Bribe For: $50,144 - Against: $22,000
Susan Collins - R ME - Bribe For: $157,438 - Against: $7,800
Kent Conrad - D ND - Bribe For: $41,650 - Against: $29,612
Bob Corker - R TN - Bribe For: $298,639 - Against: $8,850
John Cornyn - R TX - Bribe For: $286,648 - Against: $254,730
Michael Crapo - R ID - Bribe For: $64,199 - Against: $14,350
Jim DeMint - R SC - Bribe For: $149,935 - Against: $5,000
Christopher Dodd - D CT - Bribe For: $36,400 - Against: $4,500
Byron Dorgan - D ND - Bribe For: $28,200 - Against: $6,000
Richard Durbin - D IL - Bribe For: $151,050 - Against: $19,000
John Ensign - R NV - Bribe For: $76,297 - Against: $10,500
Michael Enzi - R WY - Bribe For: $87,394 - Against: $21,450
Russell Feingold - D WI - Bribe For: $53,854 - Against: $2,200
Dianne Feinstein - D CA - Bribe For: $168,189 - Against: 25,314
Kirsten Gillibrand - D NY - Bribe For: $98,210 - Against: $10,650
Lindsey Graham - R SC - Bribe For: $101,272 - Against: $5,700
Charles Grassley - R IA - Brobe For: $112,150 - Against: $25,500
Judd Gregg - R NH - Bribe For: $26,000 - Against: $0
Kay Hagan - D NC - Bribe For: $36,250 - Against: $3,500
Thomas Harkin - D IA - Bribe For: $138,135 - Against: $40,600
Orrin Hatch - R UT - Bribe For: $102,215 - Against: $11,600
Kay Hutchison - R TX - Bribe For: $127,811 - Against: $103,386
James Inhofe - R OK - Bribe For: $66,744 - Against: $36,430
Daniel Inouye - D HI - Bribe For: $26,350 - Against: $11,200
John Isakson - R GA - Bribe For: $280,995 - Against: $10,100
Mike Johanns - R NE - Bribe For: $159,259 - Against: $59,785
Tim Johnson - D SD - Bribe For: $26,850 - Against: $15,000
Edward Kaufman - D DE - Bribe For: $0 - Against: $0
John Kerry - D MA - Bribe For: $14,406 - Against: $250
Amy Klobuchar - D MN - Bribe For: $149,778 - Against: $16,250
Herbert Kohl - D WI - Bribe For: $300 - Against: $0
Jon Kyl - R AZ - Bribe For: $363,660 - Against: $58,906
Mary Landrieu - D LA - Bribe For: $73,622 - Against: $2,250
Frank Lautenberg - D NJ - Bribe For: $37,883 - Agqinst: $3,550
Patrick Leahy - D VT - Bribe For: $13,800 - Against: $2,750
Carl Levin - D MI - Bribe For: $49,900 - Against: $2,000
Blanche Lincoln - D AR - Bribe For: $347,526 - Against: $125,297
Richard Lugar - R IN - Bribe For: $153,579 - Against: $21,000
John McCain - R AZ - Bribe For: $118,070 - Against: $21,525
Claire McCaskill - D MO - Bribe For: $48,950 - Against: $7,650
Mitch McConnell - R KY - Bribe For: $439,593 - Against: $42,244
Robert Menéndez - D NJ - Bribe For: $183,850 - Against: $250
Jeff Merkley - D OR - Bribe For: $27,350 - Against; $3,300
Barbara Mikulski - D MD - Bribe For: $52,165 - Against: $1,000
Lisa Murkowski - R AK - Bribe For: $164,713 - Against: $5,800
Patty Murray - D WA - Bribe For: $136,500 - Against: $3,150
Ben Nelson - D NE - Bribe For: $254,906 - Against: $44,950
Bill Nelson - D FL - Bribe For: $205,471 - Against: $35,748
Mark Pryor - D AR - Bribe For: $115,550 - Against: $16,565
John Reed - D RI - Bribe For: $29,350 - Against: $0
Harry Reid - D NV - Bribe For: $133,985 - Against: $10,000
James Risch - R ID - Bribe For: $56,750 - Against; $36,050
Pat Roberts - R KS - Bribe For: $167,294 - Against: $65,186
John Rockefeller - D WV - Bribe For: $21,250 - Against: $1,000
Bernard Sanders - I VT - Bribe For: $7,800 - Against: $4,200
Charles Schumer - D NY - Bribe For: $175,185 - Against: $14,200
Jefferson Sessions - R AL - Bribe For: $65,303 - Against: $16,800
Jeanne Shaheen - D NH - Bribe For: $17,090 - Against: $7,300
Richard Shelby - R AL - Bribe For: $73,616 - Against: $10,000
Olympia Snowe - R ME - Bribe For: $78,136 - Against: $2,000
Arlen Specter - D PA - Bribe For: $209,124 - Against: $9,400
Debbie Ann Stabenow - D MI - Bribe For: $84,941 - Against: $14,482
Jon Tester - D MT - Bribe For: $21,250 - Against: $61,550
John Thune - R SD - Bribe For: $218,900 - Against: $55,625
Mark Udall - D CO - Bribe For: $34,435 - Against: $45,050
Tom Udall - D NM - Bribe For: $27,102 - Against: $51,900
David Vitter - R LA - Bribe For: $188,225 - Against: $8,500
George Voinovich - R OH - Bribe For: $103,850 - Against: $185
Mark Warner - D VA - Bribe For: $116,450 - Against: $8,600
Jim Webb - D VA - Bribe For: $25,300 - Against: $7,700
Sheldon Whitehouse- D RI - Bribe For: $27,025 - Against: $1,500
Roger Wicker - R MS - Bribe For: $147,650 - Against: $16,250
Ron Wyden - D OR - Bribe For: $58,700 - Against: $4,900
Here's a list of the Special Interest Groups that support S.510 and how much they bribed (I mean donated) to Senators:
Restaurants & drinking establishments $3,217,767
Food and kindred products manufacturing $1,753,503
Milk & dairy producers $1,717,687
Food stores $1,473,532
Beverages (non-alcoholic) $744,551
Vegetables, fruits and tree nut $709,238
Veterinarians $551,750
Beverage bottling & distribution $289,725
Food wholesalers $284,900
Food & Beverage Products and Services $281,137
Fishing $277,984
Chambers of commerce $219,234
Manufacturing $207,740
Food catering & food services $171,835
Confectionery processors & manufacturers $96,438
Consumer groups $6,100
Farm bureaus $0
Here's a list of Here's a list of the Special Interest Groups that sopposed S.510 and how much they bribed (I mean donated) to Senators:
Milk & dairy producers $1,717,687
Livestock $1,561,207
Farm organizations & cooperatives $412,976
Consumer groups $6,100
Farmers, crop unspecified $0
I wonder how the Senators will Vote when the bill reaches the floor of the Senate?
11-18-2010 11:16 pm - John W. Wallace
Name of Senator - Party & State - Bribe For S.510 or Bribe Against S.510
Daniel Akaka - D HI - Bribe For: $27,690 - Against: $700
Lamar Alexander - R TN - Bribe For: $190,421 - Against: $4,850
John Barrasso - R WY - For: $31,350 - Against: $27,500
Max Baucus - D MT - Bribe for: $123,803 - Against: $55,980
Evan Bayh - D IN - Bribe For: $45,200 - Against: 8,250
Mark Begich - D AK - Brobe For: $23,050 - Against: $2,000
Michael Bennet - D CO - Bribe For: $38,509 - Against: $22,050
Robert Bennett - R UT - Bribe For: $105,530 - Against: $10,000
Jeff Bingaman - D NM - Bribe For: $31,498 - Against: $8,450
Christopher Bond - R MO - Bribe For: $49,550 - Against: $5,200
Barbara Boxer - D CA - Bribe For: $120,000 - Against: $13,650
Sherrod Brown - D OH - Bribe For: $57,800 - Against: $6,600
Samuel Brownback - R KS - Bribe For: $20,950 - Against: $13,500
Jim Bunning - R KY - Brobe For: $20,700 - Against: $2,000
Richard Burr - R NC - Bribe For: $328,086 - Against: $32,292
Roland Burris - D IL - Bribe For: $0 - Against: $0
Maria Cantwell - D WA - Bribe For: $93,541 - Against: $2,750
Benjamin Cardin - D MD - Bribe For: $72,200 - Against: $0
Thomas Carper - D DE - Bribe For: $83,150 - Against: $0
Robert Casey - D PA - Bribe For: $80,576 - Against: $4,600
Saxby Chambliss - R GA - Bribe For: $557,694 - Against: $108,041
Thomas Coburn R OK - Bribe For: $64,400 - Against: $14,200
Thad Cochran - R MS - Bribe For: $50,144 - Against: $22,000
Susan Collins - R ME - Bribe For: $157,438 - Against: $7,800
Kent Conrad - D ND - Bribe For: $41,650 - Against: $29,612
Bob Corker - R TN - Bribe For: $298,639 - Against: $8,850
John Cornyn - R TX - Bribe For: $286,648 - Against: $254,730
Michael Crapo - R ID - Bribe For: $64,199 - Against: $14,350
Jim DeMint - R SC - Bribe For: $149,935 - Against: $5,000
Christopher Dodd - D CT - Bribe For: $36,400 - Against: $4,500
Byron Dorgan - D ND - Bribe For: $28,200 - Against: $6,000
Richard Durbin - D IL - Bribe For: $151,050 - Against: $19,000
John Ensign - R NV - Bribe For: $76,297 - Against: $10,500
Michael Enzi - R WY - Bribe For: $87,394 - Against: $21,450
Russell Feingold - D WI - Bribe For: $53,854 - Against: $2,200
Dianne Feinstein - D CA - Bribe For: $168,189 - Against: 25,314
Kirsten Gillibrand - D NY - Bribe For: $98,210 - Against: $10,650
Lindsey Graham - R SC - Bribe For: $101,272 - Against: $5,700
Charles Grassley - R IA - Brobe For: $112,150 - Against: $25,500
Judd Gregg - R NH - Bribe For: $26,000 - Against: $0
Kay Hagan - D NC - Bribe For: $36,250 - Against: $3,500
Thomas Harkin - D IA - Bribe For: $138,135 - Against: $40,600
Orrin Hatch - R UT - Bribe For: $102,215 - Against: $11,600
Kay Hutchison - R TX - Bribe For: $127,811 - Against: $103,386
James Inhofe - R OK - Bribe For: $66,744 - Against: $36,430
Daniel Inouye - D HI - Bribe For: $26,350 - Against: $11,200
John Isakson - R GA - Bribe For: $280,995 - Against: $10,100
Mike Johanns - R NE - Bribe For: $159,259 - Against: $59,785
Tim Johnson - D SD - Bribe For: $26,850 - Against: $15,000
Edward Kaufman - D DE - Bribe For: $0 - Against: $0
John Kerry - D MA - Bribe For: $14,406 - Against: $250
Amy Klobuchar - D MN - Bribe For: $149,778 - Against: $16,250
Herbert Kohl - D WI - Bribe For: $300 - Against: $0
Jon Kyl - R AZ - Bribe For: $363,660 - Against: $58,906
Mary Landrieu - D LA - Bribe For: $73,622 - Against: $2,250
Frank Lautenberg - D NJ - Bribe For: $37,883 - Agqinst: $3,550
Patrick Leahy - D VT - Bribe For: $13,800 - Against: $2,750
Carl Levin - D MI - Bribe For: $49,900 - Against: $2,000
Blanche Lincoln - D AR - Bribe For: $347,526 - Against: $125,297
Richard Lugar - R IN - Bribe For: $153,579 - Against: $21,000
John McCain - R AZ - Bribe For: $118,070 - Against: $21,525
Claire McCaskill - D MO - Bribe For: $48,950 - Against: $7,650
Mitch McConnell - R KY - Bribe For: $439,593 - Against: $42,244
Robert Menéndez - D NJ - Bribe For: $183,850 - Against: $250
Jeff Merkley - D OR - Bribe For: $27,350 - Against; $3,300
Barbara Mikulski - D MD - Bribe For: $52,165 - Against: $1,000
Lisa Murkowski - R AK - Bribe For: $164,713 - Against: $5,800
Patty Murray - D WA - Bribe For: $136,500 - Against: $3,150
Ben Nelson - D NE - Bribe For: $254,906 - Against: $44,950
Bill Nelson - D FL - Bribe For: $205,471 - Against: $35,748
Mark Pryor - D AR - Bribe For: $115,550 - Against: $16,565
John Reed - D RI - Bribe For: $29,350 - Against: $0
Harry Reid - D NV - Bribe For: $133,985 - Against: $10,000
James Risch - R ID - Bribe For: $56,750 - Against; $36,050
Pat Roberts - R KS - Bribe For: $167,294 - Against: $65,186
John Rockefeller - D WV - Bribe For: $21,250 - Against: $1,000
Bernard Sanders - I VT - Bribe For: $7,800 - Against: $4,200
Charles Schumer - D NY - Bribe For: $175,185 - Against: $14,200
Jefferson Sessions - R AL - Bribe For: $65,303 - Against: $16,800
Jeanne Shaheen - D NH - Bribe For: $17,090 - Against: $7,300
Richard Shelby - R AL - Bribe For: $73,616 - Against: $10,000
Olympia Snowe - R ME - Bribe For: $78,136 - Against: $2,000
Arlen Specter - D PA - Bribe For: $209,124 - Against: $9,400
Debbie Ann Stabenow - D MI - Bribe For: $84,941 - Against: $14,482
Jon Tester - D MT - Bribe For: $21,250 - Against: $61,550
John Thune - R SD - Bribe For: $218,900 - Against: $55,625
Mark Udall - D CO - Bribe For: $34,435 - Against: $45,050
Tom Udall - D NM - Bribe For: $27,102 - Against: $51,900
David Vitter - R LA - Bribe For: $188,225 - Against: $8,500
George Voinovich - R OH - Bribe For: $103,850 - Against: $185
Mark Warner - D VA - Bribe For: $116,450 - Against: $8,600
Jim Webb - D VA - Bribe For: $25,300 - Against: $7,700
Sheldon Whitehouse- D RI - Bribe For: $27,025 - Against: $1,500
Roger Wicker - R MS - Bribe For: $147,650 - Against: $16,250
Ron Wyden - D OR - Bribe For: $58,700 - Against: $4,900
Here's a list of the Special Interest Groups that support S.510 and how much they bribed (I mean donated) to Senators:
Restaurants & drinking establishments $3,217,767
Food and kindred products manufacturing $1,753,503
Milk & dairy producers $1,717,687
Food stores $1,473,532
Beverages (non-alcoholic) $744,551
Vegetables, fruits and tree nut $709,238
Veterinarians $551,750
Beverage bottling & distribution $289,725
Food wholesalers $284,900
Food & Beverage Products and Services $281,137
Fishing $277,984
Chambers of commerce $219,234
Manufacturing $207,740
Food catering & food services $171,835
Confectionery processors & manufacturers $96,438
Consumer groups $6,100
Farm bureaus $0
Here's a list of Here's a list of the Special Interest Groups that sopposed S.510 and how much they bribed (I mean donated) to Senators:
Milk & dairy producers $1,717,687
Livestock $1,561,207
Farm organizations & cooperatives $412,976
Consumer groups $6,100
Farmers, crop unspecified $0
I wonder how the Senators will Vote when the bill reaches the floor of the Senate?
17 November 2010
15 November 2010
Milk Wars Continue
A modern day 'devil' would do what the original devil did in the Garden of Eden-
the people eating the wrong food, so they could not be their best. In a weakened state they can easily be controlled and defeated... So today we see the concerted forces of
evil attacking dairy farmers for providing the one last remaining vestige of the original food that makes Man whole and well, in the image and likeness of God.
Image via Wikipedia
Farmers ordered to stop selling raw milk
It's always ugly to see a little guy grow into a big bully... but that's exactly what's happening in the milk industry right now.
The CROPP cooperative, which sells milk and other dairy products under the "Organic Valley" label, has banned its 1,600 farmer-owners from selling raw milk on the side.
Who knows... but from what I understand, the same week CROPP announced the ban, the village of La Farge, Wisconsin, received a $1 million federal grant that will be used primarily to help Organic Valley expand its rapidly growing operations.
Was this part of some quid-pro-quo arrangement with raw-milk-hating feds? I don't know -- but I do believe in the old saying, "follow the money."
In any case, CROPP's strong-arm tactics mean its farmers can only sell raw milk to their immediate circle of family, friends and neighbors -- and just in case anyone starts making a lot of new "friends," those sales can't exceed 1 percent of total milk volume.
And that could be deadly for little dairies already struggling to make ends meet.
In a recent Action Alert, Weston A. Price Foundation President Sally Fallon Morell wrote that CROPP farmers have been losing money hand over fist -- and many of them need to sell a little raw milk on the side to survive.
"The new policy will force these farmers to choose between remaining a CROPP member or selling raw milk exclusively, either of which will likely lead to severe financial stress or even bankruptcy and possible loss of the family farm," she writes.
So much for the milk of human kindness -- because clearly, CROPP would rather see its farmers suffer than allow them to run a side business that has zero impact on the cooperative as a whole.
After all, other cooperatives allow it. Even Horizon Organic, part of the multibillion-dollar Dean Foods conglomerate, allows its farmers to sell raw milk.
Some people are calling for a boycott of Organic Valley... but really, you shouldn't be drinking that "milk" in the first place. Even the best organic supermarket milk is still pasteurized, homogenized swill that's been heated and treated until all the nutrients are cooked right out.
Find a local farmer who can hook you up with real, raw milk instead. After all, it doesn't just taste better -- it's better for you.
Raw milk is nature's best cure for allergies, asthma, digestive disorders -- and even autism! People all over the country are finally waking up to the benefits of this miracle cure. In terms of nutrient content, health benefits, and plain good taste, nothing beats it.
Click here to find out more about the benefits of raw milk -- and why the government has tried to keep it out of your hands for more than 90 years.
the people eating the wrong food, so they could not be their best. In a weakened state they can easily be controlled and defeated... So today we see the concerted forces of
evil attacking dairy farmers for providing the one last remaining vestige of the original food that makes Man whole and well, in the image and likeness of God.
Farmers ordered to stop selling raw milk
It's always ugly to see a little guy grow into a big bully... but that's exactly what's happening in the milk industry right now.
The CROPP cooperative, which sells milk and other dairy products under the "Organic Valley" label, has banned its 1,600 farmer-owners from selling raw milk on the side.
Who knows... but from what I understand, the same week CROPP announced the ban, the village of La Farge, Wisconsin, received a $1 million federal grant that will be used primarily to help Organic Valley expand its rapidly growing operations.
Was this part of some quid-pro-quo arrangement with raw-milk-hating feds? I don't know -- but I do believe in the old saying, "follow the money."
In any case, CROPP's strong-arm tactics mean its farmers can only sell raw milk to their immediate circle of family, friends and neighbors -- and just in case anyone starts making a lot of new "friends," those sales can't exceed 1 percent of total milk volume.
And that could be deadly for little dairies already struggling to make ends meet.
In a recent Action Alert, Weston A. Price Foundation President Sally Fallon Morell wrote that CROPP farmers have been losing money hand over fist -- and many of them need to sell a little raw milk on the side to survive.
"The new policy will force these farmers to choose between remaining a CROPP member or selling raw milk exclusively, either of which will likely lead to severe financial stress or even bankruptcy and possible loss of the family farm," she writes.
So much for the milk of human kindness -- because clearly, CROPP would rather see its farmers suffer than allow them to run a side business that has zero impact on the cooperative as a whole.
After all, other cooperatives allow it. Even Horizon Organic, part of the multibillion-dollar Dean Foods conglomerate, allows its farmers to sell raw milk.
Some people are calling for a boycott of Organic Valley... but really, you shouldn't be drinking that "milk" in the first place. Even the best organic supermarket milk is still pasteurized, homogenized swill that's been heated and treated until all the nutrients are cooked right out.
Find a local farmer who can hook you up with real, raw milk instead. After all, it doesn't just taste better -- it's better for you.
Raw milk is nature's best cure for allergies, asthma, digestive disorders -- and even autism! People all over the country are finally waking up to the benefits of this miracle cure. In terms of nutrient content, health benefits, and plain good taste, nothing beats it.
Click here to find out more about the benefits of raw milk -- and why the government has tried to keep it out of your hands for more than 90 years.
Related articles
- Review: The Raw Milk Revolution (chelseagreen.com)
- The War Over Raw Milk: A Battle Heats Up (dailyfinance.com)
13 November 2010
S510- The Bill That Outlaws Food
Would you be willing to take up arms in order to protect your right to grow, eat and perhaps sell or give away good food that you grew yourself? That question may be more relevant then you think. It is very likely that the corporate owned Congress will pass a bill next year that will make outlaws out of anyone who dares to defy the corporate food giants and grow their own food- and then -heaven forbid- give some away or sell some. You can try calling or writing your congressman except they probably aren't yours anymore unless you bought and paid for one. With no effective representation, what are We the People supposed to do? There are two snakes pictured below- Which one is the most dangerous?
S 510 is hissing in the grass
By Steve Green
S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.
“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.” ~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower
It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food.
Monsanto says it has no interest in the bill and would not benefit from it, but Monsanto’s Michael Taylor who gave us rBGH and unregulated genetically modified (GM) organisms, appears to have designed it and is waiting as an appointed Food Czar to the FDA (a position unapproved by Congress) to administer the agency it would create — without judicial review — if it passes. S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food supplements, food and farming.
In the 1990s, Bill Clinton introduced HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points) purportedly to deal with contamination in the meat industry. Clinton’s HACCP delighted the offending corporate (World Trade Organization “WTO”) meat packers since it allowed them to inspect themselves, eliminated thousands of local food processors (with no history of contamination), and centralized meat into their control. Monsanto promoted HACCP.
In 2008, Hillary Clinton urged a powerful centralized food safety agency as part of her campaign for president. Her advisor was Mark Penn, CEO of Burson Marsteller*, a giant PR firm representing Monsanto. Clinton lost, but Clinton friends such as Rosa DeLauro, whose husband’s firm lists Monsanto as a progressive client and globalization as an area of expertise, introduced early versions of S 510.
Rosa DeLauro, |
S 510 fails on moral, social, economic, political, constitutional, and human survival grounds.
1. It puts all US food and all US farms under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, in the event of contamination or an ill-defined emergency. It resembles the Kissinger Plan.
2. It would end US sovereignty over its own food supply by insisting on compliance with the WTO, thus threatening national security. It would end the Uruguay Round Agreement Act of 1994, which put US sovereignty and US law under perfect protection. Instead, S 510 says:
Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.
3. It would allow the government, under Maritime Law, to define the introduction of any food into commerce (even direct sales between individuals) as smuggling into “the United States.” Since under that law, the US is a corporate entity and not a location, “entry of food into the US” covers food produced anywhere within the land mass of this country and “entering into” it by virtue of being produced.
4. It imposes Codex Alimentarius on the US, a global system of control over food. It allows the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the WTO to take control of every food on earth and remove access to natural food supplements. Its bizarre history and its expected impact in limiting access to adequate nutrition (while mandating GM food, GM animals, pesticides, hormones, irradiation of food, etc.) threatens all safe and organic food and health itself, since the world knows now it needs vitamins to survive, not just to treat illnesses.
5. It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in the US, putting control of seeds in the hands of Monsanto and other multinationals, threatening US security. See Seeds – How to criminalize them, for more details.
6. It includes NAIS, an animal traceability program that threatens all small farmers and ranchers raising animals. The UN is participating through the WHO, FAO, WTO, and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in allowing mass slaughter of even heritage breeds of animals and without proof of disease. Biodiversity in farm animals is being wiped out to substitute genetically engineered animals on which corporations hold patents. Animal diseases can be falsely declared. S 510 includes the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), despite its corrupt involvement in the H1N1 scandal, which is now said to have been concocted by the corporations.
7. It extends a failed and destructive HACCP to all food, thus threatening to do to all local food production and farming what HACCP did to meat production – put it in corporate hands and worsen food safety.
8. It deconstructs what is left of the American economy. It takes agriculture and food, which are the cornerstone of all economies, out of the hands of the citizenry, and puts them under the total control of multinational corporations influencing the UN, WHO, FAO and WTO, with HHS, and CDC, acting as agents, with Homeland Security as the enforcer. The chance to rebuild the economy based on farming, ranching, gardens, food production, natural health, and all the jobs, tools and connected occupations would be eliminated.
9. It would allow the government to mandate antibiotics, hormones, slaughterhouse waste, pesticides and GMOs. This would industrialize every farm in the US, eliminate local organic farming, greatly increase global warming from increased use of oil-based products and long-distance delivery of foods, and make food even more unsafe. The five items listed — the Five Pillars of Food Safety — are precisely the items in the food supply which are the primary source of its danger.
10. It uses food crimes as the entry into police state power and control. The bill postpones defining all the regulations to be imposed; postpones defining crimes to be punished, postpones defining penalties to be applied. It removes fundamental constitutional protections from all citizens in the country, making them subject to a corporate tribunal with unlimited power and penalties, and without judicial review. It is (similar to C-6 in Canada) the end of Rule of Law in the US.
For further information, watch these videos:
Food Laws – Forcing people to globalize
State Imposed Violence … to snatch resources of ordinary people
Corporate Rule
Reclaiming Economies
Oak snake image at Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park, Florida http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXoJHG-er7A&feature=related
Related articles
- The food system isn't broken: The government just won't get the hell out of it (ppjg.wordpress.com)
- "They are in the Process of Owning Food, all Food." How Monsanto is Eating our Food Sovereignty (georgedonnelly.com)
- Would you vote for a food bill Monsanto supports? (friendseat.com)
08 November 2010
Anti-Vaccination Activist Disappears
Russian activist disappears after exposing vaccination plans for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
November 7, 2010 by Declan O'Shea
Alexander Goncharov
Alexander Goncharov, a Russian activist who has been exposing the globalists eugenics program and in particular a vaccination program set to begin in 2011 has disappeared after recently receiving a serious threat to his life.
He has been missing since the night of October 30th, 2010, at approximately 22:00 hours when he was last seen leaving his office at the Russian Benevolent Society and did not return home as expected.
Alexander Goncharov had sworn an oath to disseminate as much information as possible about the globalists eugenics program to medical professionals and the public. He had uncovered a plan to sterilize women through vaccination programs in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
The same day threats were made on his life Alexander had asked for protection from paratrooper friends, but unfortunately it seems he did not get this additional security on time, as he disappeared that very night.
Below is the last statement of Alexander Goncharov made on 22nd October, 2010.
I, Alexander Goncharov, President of the Russian Benevolent Society, received information from honest doctors who do not wish to take part in KILLING their own people, about preparations for the mass DESTRUCTION OF OUR CHILDREN in the guise of a “new vaccination” scheduled for early 2011.
I cannot confirm or deny this information or vouch for the credibility of it, but I ask everyone to check it for themselves. “Someone” found out that I had this information and I was first offered a bribe for non-disclosure and secondly threatened with death if I continued disseminating information about the upcoming KILLING of our children. I rejected their “proposal” and will never accept the deliberate destruction of my own people – I have a holy duty to the motherland, in accordance with the Constitution of Russia and knowing the power of the enemies of our people, I have sworn to disseminate information about the impending MURDER OF ALL OUR CHILDREN IN RUSSIA and I will circulate this information by all possible means.
I specifically appeal to the staff of the Ministry and FEDERAL SECURITY SERVICE, to listen to my calls and read my correspondence – THEY WANT TO KILL YOUR CHILDREN. Therefore, you have a choice: either to help the survival of your people or procure small coffins for your own grandchildren.
Vaccinations are of two types.
1. Vaccination is intended for girls 12 to 20.
The vaccination will be introduced in the guise of ostensibly preventing breast cancer or cancer.
- It is a similar vaccination to the one used to sterilize girls in Mexico, Nicaragua and Iraq.
- causes miscarriages at 3-4 months of pregnancy. In addition to direct effects, the inoculation has great mental impact because many miscarriages in late pregnancy would create panic and fear of becoming pregnant.
2. Vaccination is designed for women over 45 years.
Immunoglobulin and GMO preparations.
- Sudden sexual arousal, increases immunity for 2-5 years but then declining sharply until immunity is zero, i.e. the inability to fight any infection.
Chairman of CBR
06 November 2010
The Prevention of Diabetes
The average person in 1900 ate just 4 pounds of sugar per year. Today it is more than 40 times that at an astounding 160 pounds! Sugar addiction is the new "normal". The human body was just not made to endure such huge amounts of sugar. No wonder the raging epidemics in obesity and diabetes. Sugar robs the body of minerals and one of the most essential in the control of blood sugar is chromium that is a part of the Glucose Tolerance Factor system at the cellular level. Without chromium, GTF simply ceases to function. Blood sugar rises and stays that way. Biologically chelated Chromium is found in the supplements, Diaplex and Cataplex GTF, both available from the Abundant Life Health Attainment Center (240 245 4147).
(NaturalNews) Our bodies are designed to utilize a very large number of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients; however, some nutrients can play such important roles in good health that they should perhaps be recognized as the "master nutrients". In the first of what will be a continuing series of articles, we will take a look at a vital, yet largely overlooked, mineral nutrient and how it could almost single handedly wipe out the growing epidemic of diabetes: GTF chromium
A healthy diet and regular physical activity have been rightly identified as keys to preventing and controlling diabetes. However, what has not been recognized is that regular consumption of the correct form of chromium could, along with sensible eating and being modestly active, virtually eliminate diabetes. Thanks to our unhealthy SADS diet and mineral depleting soils, each decade is bringing us more chromium deficiency. The deficiency has now reached a crisis state, with 90 percent of us estimated to be deficient in chromium.
More than 50 years ago the trace element chromium was identified as an essential nutrient at the National Institutes of Health by Dr. Klaus Schwartz due to its role in blood sugar metabolism. A molecule named Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) was found to be primarily composed of chromium. Dr. Walter Mertz, an assistant to Dr. Schwartz at the time, noted in 1959: "Type II diabetes is not a disease. It is the lack of a natural ingredient, known as GTF chromium."
More than 30 years ago, Columbia and Yale graduate and Dartmouth University medical school professor Dr. Henry Alfred Schroeder wrote that "the typical American diet, with about 60 percent of its calories from refined sugar, refined flour and fat . . . was apparently designed not only to provide as little chromium as feasible, but to cause depletion of body stores of chromium."
Chromium works together with insulin in providing sugar to the cells for energy. If chromium levels decrease there is a corresponding decrease in sugar delivery from insulin. Modern medical terms such as "insulin resistance" and "insulin sensitivity" should be more accurately replaced with "gross chromium deficiency".
As health historian Christopher C. Barr explained, insulin is a transport mechanism. It is like a truck that transports glucose to be unloaded at the cells insulin receptors. Chromium rich GTF molecules are like dock workers which assist in getting the sugar (glucose) to the insulin receptors. If there are less and less GTF "dock workers" then the work of providing sugar to the cells becomes unproductive. A traffic jam of insulin "trucks" in the blood stream results in higher and higher blood sugar levels as the problems of chromium deficiency increase over time.
Although we do see chromium supplement promoted for various health areas, we hear very little about GTF chromium. A major reason is likely because the vast majority of medical research is oriented towards finding new patented medicines. Another might be due to the US government owning a patent on a different, much less effective but more highly promoted, form of chromium - chromium picolinate.
The right form of chromium is whole foods grown GTF chromium, and the right daily amount is about 100 micrograms taken three times daily. If every American took 100 per cent whole food GTF chromium, ate reasonably healthily and got modest regular physical activity, it would virtually wipe out diabetes. In addition, at a time when the Obama administration is asking agencies to find $100 billion in health care savings, universal use of GTF chromium would save at least $100 billion annually from the $218 billion annual costs of treating diabetes.
Related articles
- What Role Does Chromium Play For The Diabetic? (bestofmotherearth.com)
- Which Nutrients Benefit The Diabetic? (bestofmotherearth.com)
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